083| The Baby

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I'm failing biology.

But I know one thing for sure, when two white people have a baby, it doesn't end up black.

"Why does she still think it's Steves?" Tony asked, attempting to hide his amusement, it however wasn't working.

"I think, personally, this is the funniest thing to ever happen.." I said through a fit of laughter, one in which Wanda was having no success in stopping.

"That baby is black, last I check we are both white!" Steve yelled, he was no seeing the funny side of this.

Within seconds, a new photo was posted, one that made me choke from laughter.

"It's name-" I said, attempting to string a sentence together through my laughter, "- is Steve.."

"WHAT?!" Steve yelled, grabbing my phone to see if I was lying. I however, was not.

I mean this whole thing was too good to be true, well for me anyways.

"So this mean I'm right about most things?" I asked.

"Not now Y/N!" Steve yelled, bestie was angry wow.

"Kid, you really have to work on your timing.." Tony whispered.

It was a big deal, for some reason. I thought we were done with Sharon and he bullshit, but that bitch always finds a way to creep back into our lives, and our tower.


The second I heard that winey bitches voice, I knew it was her. Steve was too upset to go, so as a group, they decided I could. I don't know why they did that, but I wasn't gonna complain.

"I hear congratulations are in order.." I said, appearing in the lobby are Sharon was made stay in.

"Not you again.." She tutted, paired with an eye roll.

"Surprised you would even show you face around her, everybody hates you. Even Thor, and Thor had no idea what's going most of the time.."

"I'm here for Steve, he needs to agree child support payments, it's his kid-"

"You delusional son of a bitch. It's not his kid!"

"Yes it is! You faked the testes, all because you couldn't handle that he was with me!"

"That child is a different race! I think you need to leave, before I start using flames.." I said, gesturing my hand to the door.

"I'm not afraid of you.." She said, moving towards the door.

"You should be.."

"You're just a child.." She muttered, looking into my eyes as if there was some type of fear she wanted to instil in me.

"And you have one. No matter what you say about this kids father, I'm on the side of science. Not some insane fake blonde who likes to kill-"

With that sentence she attempted to punch me. Instead, I caught her hand, twisted it and kicked her to the floor.

"Stay the hell away from my family, if you know what's good for you.."

It was a cool last line, like something from a movie. It did seem fitting for this scenario. If she tries something again, I will kill her and I'll laugh about it.

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