0118| Burning Question

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There came a point in time where immediate issues needed to be addressed.

Bucky, Steve and Tony were the ones sat down to address it. I was just a witness, incase things went south.


"Do not call me Anthony, Cyborg.." Tony said, pulling off his glasses.

"Okay um, we called this meeting because in 43' we both went to the Stark Expo.." Bucky explained.

"Yes and we were promised something that we never received.." Steve continued, "We want to know- is that popcorn?!" He said, turning to me.

"I was interested, snacky and bored. Please continue I want to know what the other dads were promised by grandpa Howard.." I said, putting some popcorn in my mouth.

"We were promised flying cars, where are they?!" Bucky said, turning to Tony again.

"Well, they were made. My father used one, he gave it to Edwin Jarvis.." Tony said, nobody was meant to know about that I believe.

"Well why can't I get one?" Steve asked, this was an interrogation now.

"Yeah Stark, where's the car?" Bucky said, backing a brother up.

"Yeah dingus.." I said, still eating my popcorn.

"Don't get involved," Tony said, pointing at me, "We save the world, my father's promises aren't at the top of my priorities.."

"Well I want my flying car and I want it now!" Bucky said, slapping his fist on the table.

"Yeah, give me one too!" Steve said back.

"Get these fuckers a flying car!" I yelled back.

"Y/N, language!" Steve said to me.

"Steve, it's english!" I replied.

"I can possibly make you one flying car that you can share, for a price.." Tony bargained.

"What do you want?" Bucky asked.

"I want you to dress up in a princess cowboy costume, lip sync to one direction and post the video on TikTok.." Tony said.

"Wow, you really put some thought into this one.." I commented.

"Cowboy costume, lip sync, post on Facebook.." Steve rebuttals, "Y/N said nobody uses Facebook.."

"Only 50 year old women with a wine addiction.." I said, still eating my snack.

"My offer, or I don't give you the car.." Tony said, not budging on his offer.

They took a moment to whisper to each other, considering the deal they had been offered. I was literally on the edge of my seat, I needed to know.

"We will do it.." Steve said, after a hole lot of whispering.

"Fuck yeah!" I yelled, hoping off the chair.

"Y/N watch your-"

"Language, I know Steve.."

So I got to sit back, watch them dawn per paid outfits that Tony had gotten, mans was planing this for a long time.

So he called everyone forward, to watch the little show go down. They decided that the TikTok would be posted on my account, since I had the most followers. Tony felt more people would see it that way.

What the pair of oldies didn't anticipate was the video ending up with over 20 million likes, getting on national news and being quoted to them out in public.

Steve thought it was very unprofessional and that people wouldn't take the team seriously. I really didn't care, I loved that video more than anything and I wanted to a part two.

They did get there car in the end, taking it down by the coast with their partners. It made them so happy. They even got me in the car a few times, it was scary and fun at the same time.

In the end, Bucky would say it was worth it, Steve would say he shouldn't have done it and let Bucky do the video for the car, then borrow it from time to time.

I mean we should place these bets more often, maybe include Nat next time, I need princess cowgirl Nat.

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