0132| Dr Banner

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I'm friends with Bruce and his green counterpart.

I mean he's just thing adorable little ball of braininess and I love him so much, which is why I did what I did.

"Banner!" I yelled as I ran into the lab, knocking over something that looked to be important in the process.

"Hello Y/N!" He said, helping me clean up the mess, "You seem excited.."

"Well, we have this like wall of science people in one of our science rooms, like bestie Albert is on it. So I was like, why isn't bestie Bruce on it. In summary, I got you on the wall!" I excitingly said, showing him the picture I had take of him in the line up.

I mean he was so happy that he looked as though he was going to cry.

"Thank you, very very much.." He said, composing himself.

"Well I thought we should go out for ice-cream or something, to celebrate.." I hinted.

"Do you want me to text on the group, I can get-"

"Nah, we never do things so we should go out by ourselves!" I smiled, throwing him his jacket, much to his confusion.

We don't really go out for ice cream anymore, ever since Ben and Jerry's released our very own line of flavors. Mine was called 'Chunky Monkey Mayhem', I mean after my new hero name it fits well.

And it's better than Tony's flavor, I don't care what you say.

We headed to this little cafe thing on the corner, Bruce got a mint chocolate chip and I got a chocolate chip because I felt like it.

We sat around while Bruce bitched about Tony and how he's a micromanager, which I understand.

"I mean I know he's only doing it because he wants the job done, but I would like to work on my own.." He ranted as he ate his ice cream, "Does Tony have a picture in your classroom?"

"He's an engineer, not a man with 7 PhD's.." I smiled.

"I guess I am smarter than Tony, my ice cream flavor tastes way better than his too.." He continued.

"Why don't you just get a lab, I mean you could be alone with your thoughts there?" I asked.

"I like the buzz of the tower, people are always in and out of the lab. I would just like to have a minute to breath from him.." He said, almost getting angry. We don't need Hulk right now.

"I can talk to him, he listens to me.." I smiled.

"I don't want to be a bother to you.." Bruce replied.

"I have nothing else to do. Don't worry, I'll be nice.." I said, finishing my ice cream.

I was indeed, not nice. When I found Tony later that day, I defended my bestie Bruce.

"What on earth is wrong with you?!" I whisper yelled to him.

"I haven't done anything!" He said, "That I know off!"

"Your micromanaging Bruce! He can't get any work done!" I said, raising my voice.

"He didn't say anything about it!" Tony defensively spoke.

"Because he's too nice!" I yelled back.

"I know that! Apologies!" He yelled back.

"Don't yell at me, apologize to him!" I yelled again.


In the end, Bruce was able to work in peace and still thought that I took the nice approach. Tony got slightly more scared of me than he already was, choosing to follow along with me instead of disagreeing with me.

I mean who would disagree with me? I'm too hot for that shit.

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