0116| Area 51

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You may remember when a group of individuals stormed Area 51.

It was a while ago, but I still live to tell the tale.

Peter really wanted to go and after he explained what it was to Pietro, the nerds banded together to convince us to go.

Steve was not onboard with storming a private government facility, he said the people are looking for confirmation of alien life and that we all have that. Doesn't mean we can't join the fun.

We would have had to road trip to Los Vegas to get to the event and in this tower, we were road trip pros. I mean we know how to have a great time.

So with Tonys consent, we loaded into a car to Vegas. The catch was, Tony was coming, apparently someone needed to be the one to bail us out of jail and he like to gamble.

So we took the long drive out, we needed to cars. It was myself, Wanda, Loki, Peter, Pietro and Tony in one car. The held Thor, Bucky, Sam and surprisingly Steve, I guess he know we would get into trouble.

First we set up in our hotel rooms, the storming was the following day and so we had a little time to enjoy Vegas. I think however that we were all just excited to get to the storming, well everyone but Steve.

We dawned our tin foil hats and took our plungers to the secret military base. We even gave Thor, a real alien, a sign that said 'Clap Aliens Cheeks", although I'm unsure if he knew what it meant.

We hung around as more and more people showed up to the military base, the boys were very excited. It did become a bit of a scandal, earth's mightiest were apart of the effort to break into a government facility. I was even interviewed.

"Don't you think that it's a bit silly for an avenger to be here, think of your image!" The interviewer said.

"Good question, well my answer is, I don't care. I'm allowed live my life as I please, I mean I only save the world in my spare time!" I said, followed by a laugh.

"But still, this is a government facility! You have a responsibility to protect, not to break into Area 51-"

"Personally, my responsibilities are in the area of putting away threats. What I do in my spare time is none of your business. We don't work for the government, we work for ourself in the interest of public safety. Also do we look like we're breaking in? We can to see what this was all about!"

Some people.

Well I did sort of contradict myself when I said we weren't trying to break in. I mean the god of thunder did take a lawn chair to the fence, repeatedly.

I could have uncovered the secrets of Area 51 of I had teleport inside the base. I can do that anytime I like. But some things are more fun when there a mystery. I also heard that they have a license to kill, or go to prison.

Maybe I'll just get Tony to buy it, less treason would be involved.

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