068| Date Night

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"We haven't been on a date in a long time" I said over breakfast with Wanda.

"Isn't this a date?" She laughed eating her pancakes.

"No.. this is breakfast.." 

"Well I'm not busy tonight, but your planning it this time.." She laughed, cleaning up her dish.

I went to grab a drink, opening the fridge and once I closed it, a spray of water was blown into my face.

"I can literally control water!" I yelled, throwing some back at her.

The water fight had completely soaked the the kitchen, leaving us laughing. I stoped for a moment to see her laughing, almost on the floor. Then something clicked.

"What?!" Wanda laughed.

"Eh- nothing.." I nervously laughed, "You go do something and I'll clean up.."

I used my water control to look like I was cleaning and the second she left, I fucking ran out of that room in fear. I didn't even know what I was doing but eventually I ran into Nat.

"Why are you-"

Without even thinking I put my two hands on her arm and teleported us both to the roof.


"I think I'm in love with Wanda.." I said interrupting her.

"Holy shit, wow.."

I mean probably not what was expected when I teleported her up to the roof. She propagable thought I just snapped and was gonna push he off the roof. I'm telling you, one of these days I'll have my villain storyline and you're all gonna shit yourselves.

"But I'm not sure.."

"Why not?"

"I don't know what it's like to be in love!"

That was true, love was a little bit scary to me.

"Okay, tell me what it's like to be around and with her.."

"It's like when I kiss her, the world just stops. It feel sort of like, well I don't know what word to use-"


"Yeah, home. I don't know if you ever heard the music at like three in the morning but that us dancing. She gets the ice cream, I get the music and we sing along and dance together.."

"You love her.."

"God I fucking love her.."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll um.. tell her?"

"You probably should.."

"But I could just procrastinate it and then-"

"Y/N , you know you can't procrastinate anymore.."

"But procrastination works!"


"I'll tell her tonight, I'm gonna tell Wanda that I love her.."

I mean I am not romantic, you would think since I'm so hot that I would be but I just don't seem to be. So I thought, what makes things romantic? I had nothing so I went to google images, people love posting all about their boring lives so I'll just copy something from there.

I had everything set up and ready, I had everything except the ability's to get rid of them nerves. So I drove us out to beach in the pitch black.

"We won't be able to see anything darling.." She whispered holding my hand.

"Don't doubt me, I have it all sorted out.."

I flicked the hand Wanda was holding onto and light the candles, revealing dinner.

"Did you get us this all?" She laughed.

"I did.."

There was a moment of silence before we both blurted out something.

"I need to say something.." We said at the same time.

"You go.." I said softly.

She hesitated for a moment and I thought the worst. I was scared she was breaking up with me.

"Please don't break up with me.." I said about to burst into tears.

"I'm not breaking up with you! I um.. okay this is so dumb-"

"We once almost drove the car off of a cliff because you wanted a kiss, nothing you have to say would be crazy.."

"I think I love you but I don't know anything about love but if it's what I think its what I feel for-"

I kissed her, completely interrupting her rambling and only pulled away yo let her know.

"I love you too Maximoff.."

"Than god because I thought you wouldn't and I was crazy and-"

"Darling only love can make you as crazy as you are.."

Well I guess this is love and love is all you need. Maybe love is the reason I'm so crazy, I mean there has to be some reason for what goes on inside my head.

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