0166| MatchMaker

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I'm sort of known as the bitch who gets people together in this tower.

I mean look at the facts. Bucky and Sam, Nat and Steve and now, Tony and Pepper.

That boy has had a crush on his assistant since before me, the greatest thing to ever happen to him, came into the picture.

So was it my duty as daughter of the century to get the two of them together? Yes, yes it was.

"Father, your dumb.." I announced as I entered his workshop.

"I've literally been labelled as a genius, I physically can't be dumb.." He replied.

"Yeah, but somehow you are. You like Pepper, you want a bit of Ms Potts, you know what I'm saying.." I taunted.

"I do not!" He aggressively yelled back, wacking his head of the corner of the table when he tried to defend himself.

Bad karma I guess, or he's just still dumb.

"You fuck everything with a pulse, except Pep.." I continued.

"That's low key offence, just saying. You better not pull your usual matchmaker bullshit, I'm warning you.." He said, gesturing one of his tools at me.

Well, you lesser minded Stark, I can't reverse my actions. I can't stop a plan that's already in motion.

Right on time, we'll right after the threat was made, Pepper entered the lab. Looking a bit confused might I add. A bit of rhyming regarding the timing, if you will.

"Mr Stark, I was checking your calendar and am confused by tomorrow night, 'dinner with Pepper', because I was unaware we were going to dinner. Or it's just a different Pepper, then that's my mistake.." She rambled.

Tony slowly turned his head to me, mouthing to words, 'I am going to kill you and then turned back to Pepper.

"We um, we can go to dinner, tomorrow. I mean if your free we can, you know, do you know?" He nervously spoke.

It's like he's never asked a woman out, but he's a man whore, so it's highly unlikely.

"I um, yeah, yeah we can go for dinner.." She replied, looking very happy.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've done it again. You can clap now, it's all of our moment.

I mean it was my moment, until Pepper let's and Tony attached his glove, taking a shit right at me. Whore is lucky I can move things with my mind.

Benefits of being powerful as fuck.

When he returned from the date, he looked very happy with himself.

"Did Stark get a bit of action.." I laughed, causing him to blush a bit. "Your blushing, that's not something I think I've ever seen you do.."

"Mark my words tiny Stark, I'll marry her one day.." He chuckled.

I mean he did, I was just out of the picture when it happened. Thanks again, Tony.

"I don't doubt that for a second Tony.." I laughed back.

So if you live in this tower and want to hook up with someone, call the matchmaker, i.e me. Except if your Pietro, because I've helped him one too many times and should probably start making him pay for my services.

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