0102| Attempted Removal

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Even though I saved the world, my school still had an issue with the violence.

Well someone should inform Brian that if I hadn't stepped in, he would most likely be dead. I mean the amount I have done for this school. I'm a celebrity, sort of, and when I accidentally lit the school of fire I actually put the it out, after like ten minutes. So the fact that my principal has the audacity to call me in front of him, says a whole lot.

Of course I didn't go in alone. I brought my parents to help me out. My Wanda was stood outside the door because for some reason everyone thought it was a bad idea to bring her in. Something about her being a Grizzle Bear when I'm in trouble and me just tagging along like a Golden Retriever.

Basically she would have ripped some heads off and I would just be sitting there looking at how pretty she was, probably why they didn't let her join us for the meeting.

"So, we have a number of reasons for wanting to expel your daughter." The principal said, looking to the four parents and one bad bitch sat in front of him.

"I dare you to name three reasons.." Bucky said, leaning back in his chair as if he had just done something.

"Okay one, she almost killed a women in public which was caught on video-"

"Brian-" I interrupted, "Without me, you would be worm food so think of a better excuse.."

"Number two, she is constantly swearing at teachers.." He continued.

"Are you doing that?" Steve asked, turning to me.

"Only when their being asshole, I don't enjoy doing it.." I said to Steve, but then turned to my left where Tony and Bucky were sat and whispered, "I'm lying, I really enjoy it."

"Number three, she is expressing some PDA in the school and-"

"Excuse me?"

Let's get something out there, there were many couples in this school and most of them are between two people of opposite genders. They display this PDA thing all the time so why is it that me and my girlfriend can't? 

"Have you pointed this fact out to other couples, or is it just me?" I asked.

"Well people have been reporting that it makes them uncomfortable and-"

"Well Brian, does it make you uncomfortable?"

"No.." He said in a very nervous tone.

"Let's test that theory-" I said, standing up and leave the room to grab my Wanda.

You see my plan was very simple and not thought through at all, but I felt like being the main character so I decided to roll with it.

So I simply made out with my girlfriend and made the principal extremely uncomfortable. It's actually what stopped me from being kicked out as they were afraid of Tonys army of lawyers. I mean I don't even know why I continue school, maybe it's just to piss some people off.

We left the building and Nat decided we should get ice cream to celebrate the fact that I wasn't going to be kicked out for saving the world. I mean it would only take one Tweet, made by yours truly, to bring that school to the ground. 

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