0139| Separation

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Sometimes space is good for a relationship.

But when two idiots in love can barely make trips to the next room without each other, space could kill them. Not that they would break up, but when it comes to these two individuals who I will not name, they need each other to survive.

So when a patriot son of a bitch swoops in and took my Wanda, he really took away everyone happiness. Because there was tears, anger and some attempted ass kicking.

On day one, there was the teleportation incident.

"Alright Y/N, time to-"

Look around Stevie.

"-And she's not here.."

Good job Steve, you did something.

The obvious next move for Steve was to burst into Wanda's bedroom and see us both asleep. Then he proceeded to be a rude ass bitch and start yelling, which woke up up.

Then the star spangled man dragged me back into my room and supervised all my movement for the rest of the day. Like I couldn't even go into the bathroom with his dumbass.

Day two of however many days this was supposed to go on, I made my second escape while Steve was preoccupied by one of his super secret meetings with Gandalf and the Tin man. Dr. Strange doesn't even want them to know I'm there buy the looks of things.

So I teleported myself down town and called my Wanda to come meet me there. Turns out Steve is really good at finding people because this time it only took him an hour to find me and drag my ass to my room again for a lockdown.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked as I returned to my bed.

"You publicly humiliated your entire team on live TV-"

"Why did you chose to put me on Fox News? It's like setting a bull in a china shop! A ticking bomb if you will!" I yelled back.

"Well I-"

"Just answer me this, are you a republican?!" I asked with full seriousness.

"I'm not a republican Y/N.." He said in a ton I didn't believe.

"Thats what a republican would say.." I said, narrowing my my eyes to glare at him.

By day three, I had a secret Wanda meeting, this time I didn't get caught since Steve was giving the congress man a tour of the tower. So I had my Wanda time, uninterrupted Wanda time.

By day four, Spangles wanted to add a five am run to my punishment. I seriously am starting to hate this mans.

"I.. hate.. you.."  I said out of breath, collapsing on the grass after the second lap.

"Come on! It's easy!" Steve yelled, still full of energy.

"You do.. this.. everyday?" I asked, still unable to breathe.

"Usually I do like 15, Sam does 11.." He said, preparing to run again.

"So.. how many.. do we have.. to do?" I asked.

"I'll let you off at 10-"

"10?!" I yelled.

I was too tired to pull anything funny, I mean my legs didn't work at all, I'd say teleporting would hurt like a bitch.

By day five, there was the crying stage. Mainly when Wanda was crying to Pietro who decided to beat up the super soldier up for hurting his sister. He said a lot of words in Sokovian that I didn't understand but definitely shocked Wanda.

"Let my sister see her idiot girlfriend!" He yelled.

"Yo Turbo, I'm right here!" I yelled.

"Sorry, but I'm trying to help here!" He said, pointing to my crying girlfriend.

"Okay spangles, I've put up with your annoying ass for five days now so you give me back my Wanda!" I yelled, walking to hug her and try to stop her tears.

"For five days you've made it your mission to break the punishment I gave you!" Steve argued back.

"Because it was a stupid punishment! Look at what you did to my Wanda!" I yelled, holding my girlfriend tightly.

"I did not do that!" He yelled.

"You remove me from the equation, you give my girlfriend tears!" I yelled again.

"Was I ever going to succeed at punishing you?!" He yelled again.

"I think you know the answer to that!" I yelled again, leaving the room still holding Wanda.

"I'm never gonna figure that kid out, am I?" Steve asked Pietro once I had left the room.

"It actually quite simple, Y/N is. She's a dumb, caring girl who is in love with my little sister. She has good intentions, but goes about solving problems in her own brain dead way. You should try not being such an ass to her, huh? They she wouldn't bitch about you behind your back.." He laughed, leaving the room.

"Wait you guys talk about me? What do you say?!" He yelled after him.

In the end, they all realised that maybe separating Wanda and I was a bad idea. Because we became an awful lot closer because of it.

"Someone wanna tell me why Wanda is hang over Y/N's shoulders while she's trying to get something from the fridge?" Tony asked Steve.

"Steve took Wanda away from Y/N because she came for Donald Trump on live TV and she just got her back. Now they won't separate at all.." Bucky said, shoving his breakfast in him mouth.

"I left you uncharge for one week! You put the kid on that republican news channel and expected a good outcome?! Then you took away her one form of happiness?! You really suck at being a parent!" Tony yelled, dropping his things, "I'm never going to another Tech Convention.." He said in disgust.

"I tried my best!" Steve yelled.

"You were a complete train wreak!" Bucky yelled again.

That was true, Steve really isn't good at being a parent. Or maybe its just me, I'm a tad bit difficult, or so I've heard.

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