0131| Wakanda, Again

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I missed my girl Shuri and my bro big T.

It was only rarely did I get the chance to fly out to Wakanda and we could fill each other in on our lives. Usually, she had some cool ass tech for me to try out, sometimes she showed me videos of big T using them and flying across the room.

Ever since the whole, hey your some Harry Potter ass bitch cause you were born out of a mistake which turned out to be a prophecy, Shuri has been involved in helping me deeper understand what the fuck was going on.

Because big surprise, I did not trust a word that came out of that dead bitch Davina or my incubators Gabriel and Thalia mouths. So maybe searching for better answers would be beneficial, because I don't want to be sexualised even more than I already am. I mean, I don't wanna use the name 'Dominatrix', as it's just ew. Pietro made it very clear.

"Big T! I missed you my guy!" I yelled as I hoped off the Quinjet.

"I missed you too, little Stark-"

"You don't get to call me little Y/N, you just don't.." I said, giving him a hug.

"If you call Big T, I can call you little Stark, it's like Greys Anatomy.." He laughed.

"Oh my god, you watched it!" I excitably replied.

"Well I wasn't going to, then Shuri used a bit of force and blackmail. Speak of my sister, she says she has exciting news for you in her lab.." He smiled, gesturing me to the door and following as I walked through it.

"Hello to you too King T'Challa.." Steve mumbled as the door shut.

Nobody cares, Steve.

I mean I'll never get over how fucking cool Shuri's lab is, it would put papa Starks to shame. Although she doesn't allow him to see her lab, because men are losers that steal women ideas. Rock on Shuri.

"Shuri!" I yelled, giving her a huge hug.

"Y/N, it really has been too long.." She said, embracing the hug.

We made small take, basic catch up, but then Shuri pulled out these books. They were old, like real old. The books had little tabs on the side, like little notes Shuri had made in the margins. One of my best friends for a reason folks.

"Flick to this page, and you will see something important.." She said, opening the page for me to read.

My prophecy lookin mistake ass was taken aback by what I had just read, jaw dropping kinda stuff. Let's dive in, shall we?

First off, the entire story Davina told me was correct, what was written had happened, I feel so much like Harry Potter and I don't like it. However the name was incorrect, that hyper sexualised dumbs name, wasn't true.

"Madam Mayhem.." I read allowed, looking through the pictures of this mystical bitch with a flowing ass dress on. She looked like a goddess.

And no, I am not an actual god, I just have the same complex as one. I mean we all did those 23 and Me tests after I discovered who my makers were, Loki and Thor broke the servers because there DNA is alien, but mine was chill.

"It is a pretty cool name.." Shuri said, opening some other books that proved it was true.

"Then why would that bitch say it was something else.." I questioned.

"Well you can't ask her now, you sort of murdered her.." Shuri awkwardly responded.

"True, true. I should probably meet the life givers again, and I hate doing that.."

Let's be clear, they were not bad people, just very suspicious. I mean why leave the planet then fight for your child? Why lie about something like this? Why not have another kid after me, I mean they had the time.

I did manage to actually enjoy my trip to Wakanda, see the sights and what not. I even got to sit in on a royal meeting and watch big T be a badass. He would appreciate the compliment.

The plane right home, I just felt bitter. I guess it was noticed by Steve who came and sat beside me, pulling an arm around me.

"You alright?" He asked.

"The surrogates lied, that 'dominatrix' thing isn't my prophecy given name.." I frowned.

"Well what is it?" He smiled.

"It's 'Madam Mayhem', which I personally think is a lot cooler.."

"Thats pretty cool. Do you know why they would lie to you?" He said, looking downwards to me.

"I don't know, probably to go along with that bitch Davina. I'm gonna meet up with them again, try fish it out of them.." I shrugged.

"If it would make you feel better, only if its what you want, kid.." He said, hugging me tightly.

"Why is it all just so difficult, Dad?" I asked, looking up to him.

"I know kid, it shouldn't be.."

When we arrived home, Steve whisked Tony away to a meeting room where I could see them through the glass, arguing for hours. Just another one of those secret meetings that nobody knows or seems to care about.

While that was happening, I sent the text for the arrangements with my life manufactures. Kill me know, I beg off thee.

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