034| Valkyrie

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Thor never brings friends over, ever. Like for a while I though he literally knew nobody else it was low key sad. That was however until the cute brunette with an addiction to alcohol and a tempter arrived.

"Hows this Thor?"

"Ah, Lady Y/N! This is my good friend Valkyrie!"


"Hey, literally thought you had no other friends Thor, I'm glad to see you're really putting yourself out there!"

"Oh, me and Thor aren't together, no chance that would ever happen, I'm not into that"

Not into that? I couldn't process until it hit me, this women was not straight. God sometimes I love it when things work out the way I want them to.

"I should introduce you to a dear friend, Carol, you two would get along.."

My plan was in motion. You see, Carol came to see us every month or so, giving me only a week till her next arrival. Valkyrie was very nice, always caring for her friends. We had become close and if I'm honest, she was a little bit immature, sort of like myself. Eventually, our favourite space lady arrived and it was time to begin.

"Hey Carol, I have a friend I want to introduce you to!"

Carol was sat at the bar, flicking through a novel when I approached her, Valkyrie behind me.

"This is Valkyrie, she pretty cool I thought the two of you would get along.."

"Hey, I'm Carol" she said, extending her hand.

"Valkyrie, you can call me Val"

I couldn't call her Val. Oh my god are they in love?! What in the Romeo and mother fucking Juliet is this shit. 

"Well I'll leave you to it"

I sat in the set of chair, occasionally looking over to see how thing we're going. They seemed to be getting along great, like two peas in a pod. I literally should be the tower matchmaker. Like I have ideas. I really should do this more often.

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