090| How it Happened

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You know what's really funny, I've never told the story on how I met Sharon.

More specifically how I punched the bitch in the face.

It was a Tuesday, she arrived into the tower with a happy Steve, he didn't have that beard he has now because the devil wouldn't let him. But he looked happy, it  was rare to see him with sure a smile on his face at that point in time.

He walked over to me, sat on the sofa watching TV and introduced her.

"Y/N, this is Sharon, my girlfriend.." He said, looking to me then back to her.

I mean at this point in time I had no reason to hate her, so I was actually polite. Whats that thing Pietro say? Oh yeah, you didn't see that coming.

"Hey, I'm Y/N.." I said extending my hand for a polite greeting.

"Yeah, Steve just said that.." She said, completely ignoring my hand and turning to Steve, "Can we go already Stevie?"

"Well I was hoping you could get to know Y/N, she one of my closest friends.." Steve nervously asked, like he was nervous to ask her something, isn't that a sign to leave her ass?

"Later, I don't really care for her.." She said, turning back to me, looking me up and down.

I think that was the moment I didn't like this bitches ass and realised she was bad for Steve. I mean for being a kid, I was pretty sharp when it came to these things. It was later on, just after dinner, when I punched her.

I was using the bathroom when I walked out of the stall and saw her washing her hands. I tried to make conversation with her, I really did, but she just got snappy.

"Listen here you little bitch-" She said.

"Actually it's that bitch, try again." I interrupted.

"I don't know why, but Steve seems to like you. So I'm gonna put up with you and your fake ass for-"

"Lady we have had one conversation, calm the fuck down.." I said, moving to get some tissue to dry my hands.

"I'm here for Steve, to get what I want and leave-"

"Get what you want? Whats thats supposed to mean?!" 

It was a weird thing to say, you know I want gonna let something like this go.

"I'm a SHIELD agent who is dating Captain America, do you think I'm really here for a 'relationship'" She said, putting the word in air quotes.

"So you using him?!" I said, edging closer to her.

"Of course I-"

Yeah bestie could keep her mouth shut once I used my fist to close it. It was the only time I physically harmed her, how much I regret not doing it more.

Obviously she ran to Steve and I got in trouble. The man wouldn't even listen to me. Now, he knows what really went down. Just think of what it would have been like if he had listened to me in that moment, so much could have been prevent. I mean if I had to think of one example off the top of my head, it would be my attempted murder.

A short while later I figure out the connection to Steves long lost gal from his past, you know the FAMILY connection. You don't even know how much bullying took place after that, spoiler alert he has never and will never hear the end of it.

Sharon Carter is like a bad smell, you never seem to be able to get rid of her. Did you really think this bitch was gone? Nah, she always return and always has an agenda.

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