0144| Y/N Once Said

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I did not consent to the following story to happen.

"Y/N just said something, dumb.." Tony called out, almost bursting into the living room.

"It's Y/N, everything she says is dumb.." Loki commented back.

"She said, why isn't there an easy bake oven for adults?" Tony said, fighting back the laughter.

"Y/N-" Steve said in pure disappointment.

"Okay, that's even dumb for you.." Nat replied. "One-time Y/N asked me why they don't just call knifes 'them pointy things'"

"Sorry, what?!" Tony laughed again, sitting on the sofa.

"She said once, how is your twin hot and then there's you, an asshole. I'm a very hunky specimen.." Pietro debated.

"Yeah but you are a dick.." I shrugged back. "Can we not play Y/N once said?" I asked.

"Once she asked me if I had infused with the ice and became half man half ice. Then followed up by asking me if I could shoot ice like Elsa.." Steve contributed.

"I guess we're playing it anyway.." I mumbled.

"Y/N asked me if I wanted her to add flames onto the end of my arrows so at least I could feel like I'm doing something.." Clint inputted.

"She wondered if dogs could learn karate and when I said no she cried.." Peter laughed.

"She said something similar about squirrels and maths, then cried.." Bruce replied to Peter.

"She asked me if I could talk to birds.." Sam said, Bucky almost spitting out his drink.

"She asked me if all food was edible," Bucky said, almost choking through the laughter.

"Well Y/N said that if she had a dollar for every time Steve interrupted my ideas in meetings and then used them as if they were his own, I'd have 82 cents.." MJ inputted.

"The fuck did you come from?!" I yelled over.

"Peter invited me, I just joined in.." She added before walking away, to who knows where.

"Why would lady Y/N only have 82 cents?" Sweet baby Thor asked.

"Because of this thing called the gender pay gap, women only earn 82 cents to every dollar a man earns.." I explained.

"I hate Midgard.." He mumbled before allowing the game to continue.

"Ms Y/N asked if I taste like a tomato or metal.." Vision continued.

"That's not normal.." Bucky replied.

"He's a walking computer, noting about him is normal!" I said in defence.

"Some of the things you say are insane, so I'm gonna ask your other brain cell, what's something dumb that's she has said?" Tony asked Wanda.

"I'm not gonna expose my girlfriend like that, she says dumb things all of the time!" Wanda argued back.

"It's fine love, I won't be mad.." I sighed, knowing all the things I could say.

"Well, Y/N once asked me if we could get a fish, give it arms and just wait to see what happens.." She smiled, allowing the rest of the team to give me very confused glances.

"I do wonder how your brain works.." Steve said, tilting his head to look at me.

"I mean I'm not even sure, it's just a squishy thing in a skull, maybe-"

"MAYBE?" Bruce yelled.

"Well, it could be like, a fake thing to hide the computers that prove we are all robots.." I bargained.

"That's enough Y/N for one day.." Tony mumbled while everyone cleared the room.

"Guys? It was a joke!" I yelled after them.

Although they didn't respond, a quote book was later set up for me. Let's just say it got interesting, very interesting.

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