0168| Secrets, Secret

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Did I fail to mention to my parents that I was dating Wanda for a good 6 months, yes?

But I mean in telling them I was in love with her they figured out I was into everyone. So I came out at the same time, so it was basically two birds with one stone.

However, when you have a secret relationship, life has more flavour. Your secret is fun to hide, but that doesn't mean there weren't close calls where it was exposed.

We are both very dumb, it was bound to happen.

Not to mention, the entire thing was revealed because of my fuck up, but still. I'm gonna tell you about one of the times we were both almost caught.

*Like, maybe 2 years ago, who really knows.*

"Hello, hello?" I whispered as I entered Wanda's room.

"I'm here, hey.." She whispered back, kissing me hello.

"I missed you today, darling.." I laughed quietly, "Are you ready to go?"

"I am indeed, which excited are we talking?" She asked.

You're going well, up.

"Around the back, Tony's in the living room.." I explained, taking her hand and leading her out the door.

The time was 10 pm and it was well, date night. Although nobody knew about us, except Pietro, Nat and Steve, secrets are fun.

We escaped to one of the many cars parked out front, driving around the city collecting snacks before driving to a stop overlooking the sea.

"You do realize it's too dark to actually see the sea, like it's just a blob of darkness.." She laughed.

"Well the only view you should be looking at is me.." I replied.

"That was smooth Stark, very smooth.." She smiled, taking another Twizzeler.

"I know it was, you-"

Another smooth pick up line was cut off by Anthony something maybe Edward Cullen Stark calling me. Bastard.

"Hey Tony, what's up.." I said, pretty pissed date night was being interrupted but sure, he didn't even know it was date night.

"Did you steal one of my cars?!" He yelled, jeez you could have said hello first.

"You have like a million cars, it's fine.." I said through the phone.

"I put a tracker on the car, turn to your left.." He said, me doing as I was instructed.

Tony was sat in his big luxury car beside us, window down, with a smug ass smile dressed across his face.

"What we snacking on?" He yelled out.

"I seriously hate you right now.." I yelled, throwing the open bag of popcorn at him, watching it fly all over him and his car.

"Y/N! This is a 6,000 dollar suit!" He yelled, flicking the popcorn off of him.

"Get a new one, it's not like you can't afford it.." I sarcastically smiled before reversing out of the parking space and driving off.

There was silence for a moment before I heard Wanda holding back a laugh, then just giving in to it and laughing her head off. It didn't take long for me to join in.

"I could have been making out with you while your dad sat there watching!" He laughed, not showing any sign of stopping.

"You could have been, I mean I wouldn't have been complaining!" I laughed again.

That was the moment so first began to realize I was in love with Wanda Maximoff.

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