0171| Cap Down

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I came up with a fun new system for when Steves being a bitch.

It came apparent when Steve decided that every time I spoke to him he would just scream "Language" in my face like a child.

So I decided to hit him over the head with his own shield. I just had to wait for the right time.

"Steve, do you-"


I think the whole idea was to somehow get me to admit swearing was bad and apologize or some bullshit along those lines.

But he should know by now that I never apologize and I never give in to him being a bitch.

"You know what you pesky American simp.." I muttered to myself, leaving the room and headed straight for his shrine.

You see, Steve has a display cabinet for his shield, includes the whole lights to shine on it and the fucking American national anthem plays when you open its doors. You could say he was in love with the thing.

But after I couldn't physically speak for days babe cause of the bitch, I decided that taking a sledgehammer I found in Loki's and hitting that glass wide open.

I'm sure the sound of the clash was heard all around the tower, but maybe the next bang was heard even more.

"You should know better than to interrupted a bad bitch when she's speaking!" I charged towards him, holding his precious lump of metal in my hand.

And then whacking him over the head with it.

Was it a bit irrational, maybe? violent is just second nature to me. But imagine if you had someone interrupting your every word because they think bad languages well, bad.

Although I didn't expect him to pass out, I guess I'm just very strong.

Or angry.

But anyway, I got in trouble and blah blah. Steve was in the medical unit for a while, but I think he was just being a bit dramatic.

I mean they then wanted me to apologize, like bitch.

"Okay, maybe-"

"Language!" Steve yelled out from his hospital bed.

"I will give him another concussion!" I yelled into Tony's face.

"Well Steve, you need to shut the fuck up. Y/N you need to reframe yourself from trying to kill your family!" Tony argued.

Says the one. Maybe you should follow your own advice.

"I think we should all just be friends again!"
Tony proposed.

"She tried to kill me!" Steve yelled.

"Wouldn't have had to if you weren't being such an annoying bitch.." I replied.

"I wouldn't have to if you would just watch your language!" He yelled back.

"He's your father, she's your daughter! Sometimes I just can't with you two.." Tony said, leaving the room.

"Look sad, I'm sorry for giving you a concussion, but piss me off again and I won't hesitate to do the same thing again.." I spoke before leaving the room.

Trust me, you didn't.

So what's the moral of this story? If your family annoys you hit them with a shield. If you don't have your shield on hand then grab the largest dinner plate on hand, it should work just as well.

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