066| Hit List

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"But did you do it?"

"For the last time Y/N, I did not murder Jonbenet Ramsey!"

"What?! He pageants skills could have simply been too extreme for Hydra!"

It was a thread, I would think of an unsolved murder and see if it was Bucky who did it. I mean some murders I was convinced off, some of them anyways.


"What do you mean, you can't just say JFK and expect me to know what you're talking about?" Bucky said having a sandwich.

"Did you do it?"

"I didn't kill JFK!"

"Nobody's around, you can tell me.." I laughed.

"Okay fine, I killed-"

"WE GOT HIM SAM, WE DID IT!" I yelled and Sam ran into the room.

"Fuck you both.." Bucky said, I'm sorry bestie I know you just wanted a sandwich.

Other murders were also of interest.

"So like, where were you in 1968 and 1969?" I said, sliding the topic into conversation.

"Eh, Hydra still?"

"But like, did you-"

"You think I'm the zodiac killer, don't you?" He nervously laughed.

"It's logical, the bro was never found.."

"Is Sam in the next room?"


"I could possible be the zodiac-"

"WE GOT HIM AGAIN!" I yelled.

"I fucking hate you all!" He yelled, leaving before he could see me and Sam could high five.

A few days later, we set up a meeting to apologise and figure out all out all the unsolved murders that bestie committed.

"Were you Jack the Ripper?"

"I wasn't even born.."



"Florida Machete Murder?"

"Hydra thought using a machete would really add some spice to the winter solider.."

"Axeman of New Orleans?"

"The axe was spice as well.."

"Black Dahlia?"

"Yeah thats me.."

"Yeah no I'm done for the day.." I said, standing up to leave.

"What, you came looking?!"

"Well I didn't expect to have to shut down the murder side of BuzzFeed Unsolved today, because apparently the winter soldier kills all! I'm not gonna put Ryan and Shane out off a job.."

"Y/N stop its-"

"Call the police, I've solved murder!"

"All of it?" Bucky said, trying not to explode with laughter.

"Well maybe! I don't know bestie you killed Tupac, I'm currently not impressed!"

"I am not responsible for every murder!"

"Did you get OJ?!" I yelled before leaving the room.

"I was gonna but he was dead when I got there.." He laughed.

"I don't believe you!"

"You should!"


So yeah, anyone have any murders they need solved because I believe bestie Barnes did it, but I just can't prove it. Haha a bit of Taylor Swift for you.

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