tease (requested)

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With a bowl of snacks in your hand, you excitedly rushed through your bedroom door.

It's your day with Taylor and she was supposed to be picking a movie for you both to watch together! You're excited just thinking about spending all this time with her and curious about what she'd choose to start the day with.

However, your excited smile sorta turned into a frown when you saw her staring down at her phone and the tv still off.

You couldn't help the sad sigh that fell from your lips. You're meant to spend the day together and you always keep your phones tucked away so you can focus on each other, so seeing Taylor so focused on hers bummed you out a little.

You made your way to her and didn't even whine or plea for her attention. Instead, you set the bowl on the nightstand and pulled her phone out of her hand as you hovered over her.

"Oh, hello, darling." She giggled, but let out a soft sigh as you leaned in to kiss her neck. "What are you up to?" She wondered, only for you to silence her with a kiss on the lips.

She quickly deepened the kiss by moving her lips against yours even more passionately than before and pulling you as close as she possibly could.

"I'm hot," you said as you pulled away from her lips to shrug off her hoodie that you were wearing.

"I know." She smirked before kissing you again and, if possible, the kiss was even more passionate than before.

But it didn't last long. Because soon, you were pulling away from her lips so you could kiss along her neck.

She was wearing an oversized shirt, one that went down to her thighs with cats on it. It allowed for you to tease her by running your fingers along her thighs in soft circles as you gently bit her neck.

She was in a state of bliss. Head tilted back, she was smiling and basking in the libidinous kisses you peppered along her skin.

And you only made her dizzier when you moved back up to kiss her lips again. She melted into you, heart hammering against her chest from the anticipation and happiness she was feeling; swelling in her chest and filling with love for you.

But it all came crashing down when you pulled away suddenly and laid down beside her.

"So, since you won't pick a movie I'm going to do so myself."

You said, smiling at her while she tried to catch her breath after the intense and passionate make-out session and a little  confused as to how you simply carried on like you didn't just share one of the greatest make-outs ever.

"What the hell, y/n?!"

You furrowed your eyebrows, almost looking at her like you were confused.

"We were just making out!"

"Had to get you off your phone somehow, right?"

"Mean!" She grumbled and folded her arms over her chest, pouting at you like a child that didn't get their way. "That's all you are is mean."

You giggled and shook your head.

"Fine. You wanna tease me, I can tease you too." She said and stared at the tv, trying to hold back her smirk as she watched your eyes go wide.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, trust me, baby girl - you'll see soon enough."

She had a plan. A devious one at that. One that made her smirk as she thought about you feeling just as shocked and pouty after getting a taste of your own medicine.

Because if you wanted to tease her like that, she was gonna do the same in return. It was only fair.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now