hickey prank (requested)

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"I've missed you," Taylor whispered against your lips as you laid down against the mattress, your arms around her neck as she kissed your lips.

It's been so long. It feels like forever since she's been home.

She's been touring for the last couple of months and, unfortunately, you weren't able to go see her while she was away.

Usually, you have the chance to see her for at least a few days. But things didn't work out like that this time and it wasn't easy on either of you.

But she's home now and the sadness and loneliness you've been feeling have completely faded away as she holds you and makes you feel so loved with the brush of her fingertips on your skin and her sweet kisses on your lips.

"I've missed you too." You spoke breathlessly as she pulled her lips away from yours and began to kiss your jaw instead.

She slipped her fingers under your shirt, gently caressing your skin as she lovingly kissed your skin, refusing to leave even one inch of skin brushed by her lips.

You whispered her name and she bit her lip, holding back a grin as she made her way to your neck.

She opened her eyes, planning to look up at you with a smirk before she'd pull you in for another kiss and make out with you.

But that didn't work out the way she thought it would.

Instead, when she opened her beautiful blue eyes, she saw the hickeys on your skin.

She gasped and pulled away from you in a heartbeat, staring at you in disbelief as you pretended to wonder why she'd do such a thing in that moment.

"Tay?" You asked as you sat up, reaching for her hands.

"No, don't." She said as she pulled her hands away from you. "How did you get those?"

"Get what?" You asked.

"You know what, y/n. So don't pretend like you don't." She scoffed. "The hickeys on your neck! Who gave them to you?"

You looked away from her eyes and down to her lap, which only made her feel worse.

"No, y/n, look at me!" She said and your eyes met hers just a second later. "Tell me."

"Tay," You tried to say, but she interrupted.

"No, don't do that. I want you to be honest with me. I'll be even more upset if you refuse to talk to me or tell me the truth."

She wasn't asking. She wasn't yelling like you thought she would. She was pleading.

You saw the tears in her eyes and it broke your heart. You couldn't go on with the prank any longer. You couldn't stand to see her so crushed for even another second.

"I can explain."

"I hope so. I'm listening and I'm running low on patience." She said as though she was trying to be stern and hold her ground, despite the fact that her tears were close to falling down her cheeks and her lip was almost trembling.

"They're not real, Taylor."

She furrowed her eyebrows and brushed her thumbs below her eyes, wiping her tears away.

"Look. I'll prove it." You said and quickly grabbed one of your makeup wipes before wiping away the hickeys on her neck. "See?"

She bit her lip, torn between feeling relieved and staying upset.

"That's not funny." She mumbled quietly. "You scared me."

"I know. But I swear to you, I'd never actually do something like that to you. I love you. Only you."

She sighed before scooting closer to you and putting her arms around you to hug you.

"Don't do that anymore."

"Never again."

"Promise?" She wondered, looking at you with big blue eyes.

"I promise. I swear it to you, Taylor. Never again."

She kissed your neck a few times and you couldn't help but smile and hold her tighter.

"No more stupid pranks. I swear." You whispered as you kissed her head, brushing your fingers through her blonde hair. "I love you, Taylor, always will."

"I love you too." She said as she basked in the warmth she feels in your arms, secretly plotting her revenge against you.

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