meeting your mom, Jennifer Aniston (requested)

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"I don't think I've ever been this nervous or more excited about meeting someone than I feel right now!" Taylor said as you walked up the front porch steps of your mom's house. "Do you think she'll like me? What if she doesn't like me? I think I'd cry if she didn't!"

"Taylor, baby, calm down." You giggled as you cupped her cheeks in your hands. "It's going to be fine. She's going to adore you."

Taylor could only hope that you were right.

Because this is one of the most important moments of her life.

Not just because she's meeting your mom, which is already a huge thing in a relationship, but also because your mom is someone she's a huge fan of.

Jennifer Aniston.

Taylor, bring the huge friends fan she is, freaked out when you told her who your mom is.

She wondered if this day would ever come because friends has played such a huge part in her life and has always brought her so much happiness.

It feels so surreal.

"Are you ready?" You asked as you pulled your hands off of her cheeks and placed one on the knob.

"I think I might throw up."

You shook your head with a laugh.

"But I'm ready. Let's do it."

You gave her a quick peck on her lips before you opened the door and walked into your mom's home.

"Mom? We're here!"

You could smell something delicious in the air before you heard hurried footsteps across the floor.

Your mom came out of the kitchen and into the living room where you and Taylor were.

As soon as your girlfriend saw your mom, she had to hold all of the squeals and screams inside, though she almost couldn't.

"Hi, sweetheart! How are you?"

"Good. How have you been, mom?"

You talk to your mom every single day.

Even though you're all grown up and live on your own, seeing and talking to your mom is something you enjoy so much.

She's always been your best friend and your bond is unbreakable.

"I've been good! It's so good to see you. You look beautiful as always." She said as she punched your cheeks, making you groan and then laugh.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend Taylor."

"Oh, the beautiful Taylor Swift." Your mom grinned. "Y/N has told me so much about you. You're even more beautiful in person!"

Taylor couldn't help the excited squeak that left her lips when your mom pulled her in for a hug.

"Mom, Taylor is a huge fan. She loves friends. So this is a big moment for her."

"Oh, thank you!" Your mom said as she continued to hug Taylor. "You know I'm a big fan of yours, too. I love your personality and your music. The way you're not afraid to hold back your thoughts and emotions. It's a beautiful thing, just like you."

"I think I might faint," Taylor mumbled as she continued to freak out over meeting your mom. "This moment is so important to me. Not just because I'm meeting you, one of my biggest inspirations, but also because I'm meeting you - Y/N's mom. I hope that you like me as her girlfriend and that you support us."

"Oh, honey, I absolutely do!" Your mom assured Taylor, squeezing her shoulder. "I have never seen my daughter happier than she is now. Since she met you and fell in love with you, she's the happiest girl in the world. As a mom, that's all I want for her."

That was a huge relief for your girlfriend.

"Besides, I've heard a lot about you. With how humble, kind, and genuine you are I know she's in good hands and she will always be loved by you."

"Always, I swear!" Taylor said, making you and your mom giggle.

You put your arms around Taylor, giving her a little side hug as you put your cheek on her shoulder.

"Thank you for treating her so well. She deserves the whole world." Your mom said and Taylor immediately agreed.

"I couldn't agree more. I promise I'll give her the whole world. I'll give her all of the love and happiness that she deserves. I'll never hurt her. I'll always love her and take care of her."

"Good." Your mom said. "Welcome to the family."

Taylor grinned from ear to ear.

"Thank you!"

"I hope you brought your appetite. I've worked hard making this dinner."

"I'm starving!" Taylor said as she followed you and your mom into the kitchen, so happy that she had the stamp of approval from your mom, which was so important to her.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now