sweet nothing (requested)

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Taylor walked through the front door with a long sigh on her lips.

She kicked off her shoes and made her way over to the sofa, plopping down on it as she tried to relax after the long day that she'd had.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened up social media once more, seeing the tweets from fans and others that spoke about how excited they felt for more re-recordings and future projects.

Taylor locked her phone and slipped it back into her pocket before burying her face in her hands.

But as she heard you humming in the kitchen, a smile pulled at her lips and she found herself lifting her head from her hands to glance into the room.

She stood up and made her way into the kitchen and with a contented smile on her face, she leaned against the doorframe and watched as you cooked something for the two of you to share.

You had been so lost in your own little world that you hadn't even noticed that Taylor was home yet.

You didn't notice until she came up behind you and wrapped you in her arms, her soft lips brushing against your neck.

"Hi, my love."

"Hi, Tay!" You cheerfully said as you turned to face her.

"What are you up to?"

"I'm making dinner." You said as you turned back around to continue cooking. "How was your day?"

She sighed once more as she pulled away from you and leaned against the counter to watch you instead.

"Taylor? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." She said as she looked away from the food and down at her feet. "No... I don't know."

"Talk to me." You said.

"Things were going fine. I was working on re-recording reputation when I took a break and opened up social media. There are articles about people wondering when the next album is going to come out and people speculating what it will be. People are talking about touring and me doing more and I guess I just feel too soft for it all sometimes."

"Oh, baby. That's okay." You said as you pulled her in for a comforting hug. "You do more than enough. You're talented and hardworking but you shouldn't ever feel pressured to put things out every second of every day and you shouldn't feel as though what you do already isn't enough, because it is."

She smiled as your eyes met.

"People appreciate what you do. They love you a lot. I promise you, what you do already is more than a lot of people could manage to do in their lifetime. You're more than enough. Don't ever forget that."

"Thank you, darling. I needed to hear that." She said as she put her lips on yours for a quick peck.

You turned back around to continue cooking when you suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, by the way, look what I found." You said as you pulled a pebble out from deep inside your pocket.

You handed it to her and her eyes lit up as she had flashbacks to the trip you took to Wicklow recently.

"Do you think it ever misses Wicklow sometimes?"

"I don't know. I'm happy that we have it here with us. It brings back good memories." You smiled and watched as Taylor did the same as she nodded her head.

"I wrote a poem on my way home today."

"Can you read it to me?" You asked and watched as she excitedly nodded her head.

She read the words on her phone aloud and when she finished, you just shook your head with a grin.

"What a mind."

She chuckled to herself and slipped it back into her pocket.

"Thank you."

"For what, Tay?"

"For all the sweet nothings you always give me. Coming home to you and your sweet, comforting words is hands down the best part of my day. It's all I need. You're all I need."

You turned the stove off and walked to her.

Wrapping your arms around her neck, you leaned in and gave her a sweet kiss.

"I always find myself running home to your sweet nothings."

"I'm always happy to give them to you, baby. I mean everything I say to you. I love you lots."

"I love you more." She said as she pulled you in for another kiss. "Maybe I should write a song about it."

"I'm not surprised to hear you say that." You chuckled.

"Will you write it with me?"

"Sure. After we eat." You said as you took her hand and led her to the table.

"Okay." She grinned and sat down as you served her a plate of food, talking about whatever came to mind over dinner while smiling and laughing together.

This is when she's happiest; with you.

And she realized that all she'll ever need is you and your sweet nothings.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now