fighting on your birthday (requested)

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Taylor quietly closed the front door behind her as she walked into your shared home.

She saw that the tv was still on the second she entered the house.

The lights were all off so she figured that you must've fallen asleep on the sofa.

She didn't want to wake you if that was the case, so she was trying to be as quiet as she possibly could.

But when she began to walk across the floor and started to kick off her shoes, the room lit up as you turned the lights on, making her jump.

"Baby! Don't do that. You scared me." She said with a slight chuckle.

After both of her shoes were off of her feet, she placed her hand over her racing heart and turned to look at you.

She was surprised to see the angry expression on your face instead of a tired or joyful one.

She could see that your jaw was clenched and your eyes had no hint of a sparkle.

"What's going on?"

"Do you know what time it is?"

"About eleven-thirty." She spoke and furrowed her eyebrows at you in confusion. "Why does it matter that I'm home late? You know I have a lot going on right now."

"Taylor! I know this! But do you even know what day it is?"

She thought about it before shaking her head.

"Of course you don't. You're so busy that you can't even remember your own girlfriend's birthday."

The last sentence came out as more of a grumble. But she heard and understood you loud and clear.

Her blue eyes went wide before she let out a disappointed sigh.

"I'm sorry, my love."

"Sorry? That's all you have to say?"

"What do you want me to say, baby?" She asked as she stepped closer to you. "Happy birthday. I know I wasn't here but-"

"Exactly! You weren't here. How could it be a happy birthday when you weren't here for it?"

"That's not fair." She scoffed.

"Oh, that's not fair? But you being out the door before six this morning and getting home thirty minutes before my birthday is officially over is fair? It's fair that the only person I wanted to spend my birthday with wasn't here for it? You want to talk about unfairness? No birthday wishes, no cuddles, no kisses. Nothing."

"I'm sorry. But you know I've been busy."

You shook your head and started to walk up the stairs and she followed behind you every step of the way.

"You're busy? I know that! But I wanted some time with you on my birthday, Taylor. Of all days, that's the one I want and need you by my side the most."

"I've had a hard enough day already, y/n. Can you not be so annoying right now?"

At this point, you were already in the bedroom together, and you couldn't even try and hide the tears in your eyes.


Realizing what she'd said, she breathed out a sad sigh.

"It's not what  I meant."

"it's what you said though, Tay."

"I'm sorry!"

"You know what, Taylor? I'm done. My day was shitty enough. I don't want to argue with you! You're only making it worse!" You sniffled and watched as her eyes filled with sadness.


"Don't. Please, Taylor. Just give me some space. Go sleep on the sofa or something for the night. I want to be left alone."

You turned off the light and crawled into bed while Taylor stood there, trying hard to think of what to say.

But after a moment, she heard you cry, and she slipped under the blankets to hold you tight. You didn't need her to speak much. You needed comfort.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "For everything. For missing your birthday, for fighting with you, for saying that you're annoying - which you aren't, by the way. Far from it."

You sniffled as she rubbed your back and kissed your shoulders.

"I'm so sorry. Is there any way for me to make it up to you?"

"I just wanted you to be here, Taylor. My birthday isn't the same without you here. It's the only thing that I want. It's the only thing that makes it special."

"I know. I feel awful about it. I truly do. Words won't ever be enough to express how sorry I am."

You turned over to face her and noticed that her eyes were full of tears. But she was trying to blink them away so they wouldn't fall. This wasn't about her. She's the one that let you down. This is all about you.

"I love you."

"I love you too." You sniffled as she wiped your tears away. "And I'm truly so sorry for everything. Can you please forgive me? Please let me make it up to you. I will do whatever it takes and whatever you want, I'll do it."

"You can take the day off tomorrow and spend time with me. I want to go out to my favorite spot."

"You got it." She smiled. "Anything else?"

"Let me think about it." You said and she nodded.

"Sleep on it."

"Okay." You agreed.

"Do you want me to go to the sofa still?"

You shook your head and laid it on her chest.

"Happy birthday, baby girl. I love you lots. I'm going to make sure that tomorrow is the best day ever. I promise."

You closed your eyes, smiling to yourself as you thought about whatever you wanted to do tomorrow.

But you didn't care about what it was that you did.

As long as you have Taylor by your side, that's all you care about.

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