too drunk - part two (requested)

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The sound of footsteps hurrying across the bedroom floor and into the bathroom awoke you from your slumber.

You opened your eyes and looked at the clock, finding it was a little after seven-thirty in the morning.

The sun was just barely beginning to rise and your eyes still felt so heavy that you wanted to go back to sleep.

But you could hear your girlfriend throwing up in the bathroom and you wanted to take care of her more than anything else, knowing she needed some comfort from you and that she'd do the same for you in a heartbeat.

You got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Gently, you grabbed Taylor's blonde hair in your fingers and held it back for her as she got sick.

"I see you're already hungover." You said, just teasing her a little.

When she had a second to catch her breath, she chuckled weakly and closed her tired eyes.

"Guess so." She mumbled before groaning and getting sick again a few seconds later.

It took a few more minutes before she felt her stomach settle a little and slowly stood up.

"Thank you for holding my hair out of the way. Sorry I woke you, though."

"It's no problem. Although I did warn you last night you were going to be hungover like this."

"How much did I drink?" She groaned as she grabbed her toothbrush. "I've been hungover before but never this bad."

"I don't know exactly how much but your friends said you just kept drinking to the point they feared if they didn't cut you off and have me come and pick you up, you'd get alcohol poisoning."

"Gosh." She mumbled as she brushed her teeth.

Once she was done, she rinsed out her mouth and then turned around to lay her head on yours.

"I feel awful." She groaned.

"I know you do, Tay." You softly spoke as you rubbed her back. "We should probably talk if you're up for it."

She pulled away and nodded her head, knowing that it was something you both needed to do.

You walked back into the bedroom and sat down in bed, your hand wrapped in hers. It eased your mind, making you hope that she was on the same page as you.

"About last night... before you went out and got drunk-"

"The fight?"

You nodded and took a deep breath.

"I can't even seem to remember why we fought."

"It was stupid. Just us fighting over me getting home late these days and you missing me. We both blew it out of proportion. But I miss you too, just so you know."

You cracked a smile at her as she brushed her thumb across your palm.

"I feel so bad that you went out and got so drunk over it."

"Y/N, that was my choice and it wasn't because of you. I was just stressed out and needed to let loose. I got carried away. That's nothing to do with you and you're not to blame."

She kissed your hand and you laid your head on her shoulder for a moment before pulling away.

"So, we're okay?"

"Yeah. We always are and we always will be. Every couple fights and we're no exception. We'll have our moments but we always work things out. That won't ever change."

She kissed your forehead softly and in return, you kissed her shoulder lovingly.

"Is there anything you need?"

"Some medicine to help with my headache, maybe?"

"Okay, my love."

You got up and grabbed her some medicine as well as some cold water for her to take it with before you returned to her side.

"Here, baby."

You put them in her hand and watched as she took them, slowly sipping on the cold water before she put it on the nightstand.

You moved the empty trash can closer, in case she were to get sick again.

"Anything else?"

"Cuddles from my girl." She smiled and opened her arms for you to climb into, which you happily did.

"I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you, sweet girl." She said as she closed her heavy eyes. "I love you lots."

"Love you too, Tay." You said and kissed her neck a few times, making her smile a little as she started to drift off to sleep.

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