bombarded (requested)

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"Should we have gotten more stuff?" You asked Taylor as you made your way to the exit of the baby store you've spent the last hour and a half inside.

After finding out the gender of your baby just a few hours ago, you and Taylor agreed the first thing you should do is do a little shopping for them.

Even though they're still months away from entering the world and you still have so much time to buy things, you've both been waiting for the day that you could find out what you're expecting and you wanted to get at least a couple of things.

Some baby shoes and a few other small things are what you got today.

She promised that you could come back tomorrow or the next day to do more shopping, or even go to a few other baby stores in town and see what they offer.

Both ideas excited you.

"Yes, my love." She giggled as she put her hand on the small of your back, her other one holding the two bags full of baby stuff. "We have so much time left, there's nothing we need to get at this very moment. We'll come back tomorrow and do more shopping. Okay?"

You nodded in agreement and the sparkle in your eyes warmed her heart.

However, she watched it fade as the doors opened and she instantly found out why.

She could hear the shouts and the camera flashes from reporters and paparazzi before she even turned her head.

As soon as she saw them, she groaned and rolled her eyes, not even trying to hide the annoyance she feels when it comes to these people.

"Can't have one day without being surrounded by these people." She grumbled before kissing your head.

"You know what to do, baby. Stay right here with me and look anywhere but at them if you're uncomfortable. I've got you. I won't let anything happen to you or the baby."

She stared at your bump, her heart so full of love for the little human inside of you with every glance she gets.

It's still fairly small but it's getting bigger every day as each day is one day closer to them entering the world.

And with how much she loves and cares for you and the baby, she wouldn't dare let anything happen to either of you.

She  could tell you were feeling frightened and shaken up though, which broke her heart.

"I know you're just doing your jobs but you're too close to us. Give us some space, you're freaking my girl out!"

She continued to comfort you as you walked through the crowd. She pulled the keys out of her pocket and hit the panic  button, hoping that she could hear and see where it was coming from.

And she thankfully did.

A sigh of relief fell from her lips when she saw that the car wasn't far away at all.

"It's right over there, sweet girl. You're okay, everything's okay." She soothed.

She hoped that speaking to them would help but they didn't seem to get the message as they only got closer to you, their cameras almost directly in your face.

You couldn't see where you were going due to the bright flashing lights and you tripped over a crack in the pavement.

In a panic, thinking you were going to hit the ground and hurt yourself and/or the baby, you let out a scream.

Thankfully, Taylor was prepared and quickly put her arms around you to stop you from falling.

"I've got you. It's okay, baby. I'm right here, I've got you." She promised as you threw your arms around her neck, so shaken up from almost tripping and possibly hurting your baby.

"What is the matter with you all? I told you that she was frightened! I know this is your job but, come on, she's pregnant! Can't you all show some common decency for once?" She yelled in anger.

She walked you to the car, the paparazzi trailing behind, capturing every move.

She got you inside and buckled you up before kissing your forehead.

She rolled her eyes as she walked to the driver's side, but she stopped before she got in so she could give them another piece of her mind.

"As I said back there, I know you have a job to do, but what happened back there is not acceptable. You should not be that close, especially not to my pregnant wife! She's terrified and she could've gotten hurt, our baby could've been hurt! How would that make you feel? Would you care? Do you care about anyone but yourselves?" She asked before shaking her head at them.

"Just leave us alone! Give us some damn privacy for once!"

And with that, she got into the car.

She cupped your cheeks after starting the car and wiped away your tears.

"Are you okay, my love? Is the baby alright?"

"Yeah. We didn't get hurt, thanks to you."

She smiled brightly at you.

"I'm just shaken up and I want to go home."

"Okay, baby. That's where we're headed. Everything's going to be just fine." She promised and you knew, with her by your side all the time, that she was right.

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