dentist visits (requested)

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"Come on, buddy." Taylor smiled at Carter, one hand holding his as she used her other one to open the door of the dentist's office. "Let's go inside."

He stomped his feet on the floor as he entered the office, the door closing behind Taylor as she walked behind him.

"Don't stomp, silly." She chuckled.

Carter pulled his hand out of hers and folded his arms over his chest as Taylor stood with him at the check-in desk.

"My son here has an appointment to get his teeth cleaned." She kindly told the lady at the desk who politely asked why she was there today.

After writing his name down, she guided him over to the seats and sat down beside him.

"I want to go home." He pouted as he kicked his legs.

"Not yet. We have to get your teeth cleaned first." Taylor reminded him. "It's good to get your teeth checked every six months."

"I wanted my mommy to come." He pouted as he quickly began to feel the absence of your presence.

Although he and Taylor are close, practically inseparable, you remain his whole entire world. He especially needs you around in times like these, when he has to go to the dentist, which he dreads, as all seven-year-olds do.

But you had to work today. You couldn't get out of it no matter how hard you tried. Taylor, however, had the day off and quickly offered to take him.

He was happy to have her there but he wishes you were there to hold his other hand.

"I know. But she had to work." Taylor reminded him, her hand falling to his shoulder. "It's going to be okay. I'm here with you and you know I won't let anything bad happen to you. It's just a cleaning. Your mom says you've had them done before."

He didn't have the chance to say anything else as the door to the back opened.

"Carter?" Someone called out and Taylor stood up, her hand held out for the small boy to take.

"Come on, Carter. It's okay." She encouraged and he slowly wrapped his small hand in hers.

She walked into the back with him and entered the room. As soon as they stepped inside, Carter started to panic.

"Okay, if you can just sit down here," the dentist said as she nodded to the chair.

"No!" He said and suddenly threw his arms around Taylor's legs. "Don't wanna." He said, tearing up a little.

"Carter, hey," Taylor soothed as she knelt on the floor in front of him. "It's okay."

"I want to go home."

"Soon, buddy. Very soon." She said as she rubbed his shoulders comfortingly, only for him to shake his head as he cried. "It's okay."

She brought him into a hug, her hand rubbing across his back as he sniffled against her chest.

"You can do it. You're a strong little guy."

"I'm scared."

"There is no reason to be scared. I'm here with you and this kind dentist here isn't going to do anything bad to you or your teeth. I promise."

He pulled away from Taylor's shirt, rubbing his teary eyes.

"You're okay, I promise. I'll be here the whole time. You can even sit on my lap."

He seemed to calm down upon hearing that Taylor would keep him close and secure.

He looked at the dentist and then back at Taylor before nodding a few seconds later as she dried his cheeks.

"No more tears, okay? We'll do something special after this as a reward."


"I don't know. You think about that. Your choice, okay?"

He seemed much more excited and as soon as Taylor was sitting on the chair, he was on her lap and ready for the dentist to look over his teeth.

She put on her gloves and began to look around.

"Well look at that. You have some healthy gums, kiddo."

Carter giggled and let the dentist finish examining his teeth before they began to get everything ready to clean them.

"No cavities at all. Someone is brushing well."

"Twice a day!" He said proudly and Taylor giggled along with the dentist.

"That is very good!" The dentist encouraged and Taylor patted Carter's shoulder encouragingly. "Now, let me clean them very quickly and you will be out of here."

He nodded, although a little nervous still, as the dentist grabbed everything to clean his teeth with.

"You're doing such a good job so far! I'm very proud of you and I know your mom is going to be, too!"

This made Carter relax a little and, therefore, Taylor did as well.

As Carter got his teeth cleaned, she held onto his hand and reminded him that he was doing a great job. And when he was done, only a few minutes later, she clapped with encouragement to cheer him on.

"See! You did such a good job!" Taylor grinned and kissed all across his head. "That wasn't so bad, huh? I think waiting out in the office was worse."

"I think so too." He said and hopped down onto the floor so Taylor could get up from the chair.

"Give me a high five, buddy. You did it!"

He giggled as he high-fived Taylor, who was staring down at him with pride.

"Have you thought about what you want to do? Since you did such a good job here today?"


Taylor laughed and the dentist joined in.

"Oh, okay." She said and took his hand back into hers. "Just don't tell mommy. It's our little secret."

He nodded excitedly, pretending to zip his lips and throw away the key before they walked out of the office, planning to return in six more months for another cleaning.

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