navigating motherhood together (requested)

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"Shh, honey, it's okay." You whispered softly to your little girl as you walked around the bedroom. "It's alright, I've got you."

Taylor was across the room with your little boy in her arms, holding him securely as she fed him one of the bottles that you'd made.

It's after three am and you're both exhausted.

You can't remember the last time that you got some much-needed sleep but what do you expect when you have not one but two newborn babies?

"Come on, sweetie. I know you're tired. Why don't you go to sleep?" You spoke to your little girl as she continued to cry loudly.

Meanwhile, Taylor had just finished feeding your little boy and as she stood up with him in her arms, he began to cry too.

This in turn made your little girl cry harder and with a long sigh, you continued to try and soothe her.

There wasn't anything wrong with her.

You'd fed her and changed her, so it just seemed that she was crying as newborns do.

"Come on, buddy. Don't cry, it's alright." Taylor soothed and just like that, your son quit crying.

Taylor continued to walk around the room with him until he fell asleep and by then, your little girl had quieted down, though she was still fussing.

Taylor placed your little boy in the crib before she came over to you.

"How's it going over here?"

"Horrible!" You snapped. "Don't you hear her crying? She won't stop. I don't know what to do."

"Let me have her," Taylor said and you handed the baby over to her before Taylor's soft voice filled the room as she sang a lullaby to your daughter.

You sat down and rubbed your eyes with a yawn as you tried to catch your breath and calm down.

It's been the longest few days of your life.

From bringing your babies into the world only a few days ago until now, where you're still learning and navigating motherhood with Taylor.

It's all starting to catch up with you and you feel overwhelmed from your lack of sleep and the stress that's on your shoulders.

"Okay, she's sleeping," Taylor said after laying your daughter in the crib. "Let's go to bed too, shall we?"

She took your hand and led you across the hall to the bedroom.

She climbed under the covers and got ready to turn off the lights when she noticed you had sat down at the edge of the bed with your head hung.

"Baby? What is it?"

You shrugged your shoulders as Taylor moved to the edge of the bed to sit with you.

"You know what's bothering you. Come on, tell me."

"I feel so overwhelmed." You confessed. "This whole motherhood thing is even more difficult to do than I thought it would be."

She sighed as she put her arm around you and pulled you close.

"I feel so ashamed to say that. I never thought it'd be easy but it's so much harder than I imagined. Taking care of one baby is hard, let alone two. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like the day you decide you're ready to start doing work again."

"Baby, that's not going to be for a long while. Not until we're both on the same page and we're both ready for that. We're in this together. I told you that from day one, didn't I?"

You nodded as you looked at her.

"I know it's hard. It's hard for me too. I feel overwhelmed at times just like you do. I'm tired and it breaks my heart every time I hear one of their little cries. I feel overwhelmed when they won't stop, like I'm not doing something right."

"That's exactly how I feel. But I didn't want to say anything because I didn't know if you'd understand."

She scoffed at you before shaking her head.

"Baby, I know exactly how you feel. And even if for some reason I didn't feel the way I feel, I'd still understand and I'd still want you to tell me these things. We're in this every step of the way together."

"I know."

"Navigating motherhood isn't easy. We've both got a lot on our plates. But the best thing about it is we're not alone in it because we have each other. We have each other through all the ups and downs and all the in-betweens. When we're confused or scared or stressed, we've got each other to lean on. Because no one knows what we're going through better than we do."

"That's true."

"And taking care of twins might be chaotic at times but it's worth it, isn't it?"

"Yeah. I do love it. Except when I'm cleaning up spit up or changing them."

Taylor couldn't help but laugh before she nodded her head in agreement.

"It's not glamorous but it's worth it."

"I love them so much, Taylor."

"Me too, sweet girl." She said as she kissed your head. "They're already the best things to ever happen to us, aside from us meeting, of course." She spoke and you smiled a little, for the first time in hours.

"We should probably get some sleep. Before they start crying again." You suggested.

"Good idea," Taylor spoke and you shared a quick kiss before laying down and turning off the lamps. "Goodnight, baby. I love you."

"I love you too, Tay. Goodnight." You said.

And just as you prepared to slip off into a peaceful slumber, the cries came again.

You sat back up and turned on the light.

You and Taylor got back out of bed as the other began to cry along with them.

"Hey, babies. What's wrong, huh?" You asked as you picked your little boy up. "Hey, buddy. What's the matter?"

Taylor tended to your daughter this time and quickly picked her up in her arms.

You sat down in one of the chairs in the room and Taylor carefully moved the other closer to you, so you could lean on her as you cooed over your baby and tried to get him to calm down.

You looked at Taylor before laying your head on her shoulder.

"It'll be alright. They'll calm down soon, Until then, we're in this together, as always." She promised.

You smiled a little and took a deep breath, ready to face this sleepless night with your babies with Taylor right there by your side as you both continued to navigate being new parents to your loved little ones.

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