when she catches you singing one of her songs (requested)

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Taylor rolled over in bed, hoping to snuggle closer to you as a shiver ran down her spine from the chilly air in the bedroom.

But instead of feeling the warmth of your skin against her fingertips, she felt the sheets against them.

Her blue eyes instantly opened and upon doing so, she groaned as she was met with the bright sun.

"Y/N?" She sleepily called out as she rubbed her tired eyes. "Where are you, baby?"

She looked at the clock and saw it was only a little after eight am.

"It's too early to get out of bed." She whined as she sat up and started to look around for you, only to find that you weren't anywhere to be seen.

She didn't want to get up yet but going back to sleep wasn't going to happen either, because you're not there in bed beside her for her to hold.

She got up and started to search around the spacious house for you as she called out your name.

She soon started to head down the stairs and she froze as she stood just a couple of steps before the last one.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, breathing in the delicious aroma of food in the air.

She had no doubt as to where you were at now and the thought of you making breakfast for the both of you to eat on your day off together warmed her heart inexpressibly.

She was so excited about sharing breakfast with you that she was just about to rush down the last few steps and head into the kitchen.

But she only made it one more step before she froze again.

This time though, she heard something. Something... beautiful.

As you cooked, you grew tired of the silence in the air and began to sing along to whatever songs came to your mind.

The one currently playing through your brain seemed to be I Don't Wanna Live Forever and with every word that fell from your lips, Taylor smiled from ear to ear.

She didn't move or say a word as she stood not too far away. She feared that if she moved and something so simple as the stair creaking beneath her sock-covered feet, you'd stop.

And that was the last thing she wanted then and there.

She just swayed a little as she listened to you sing, biting her lip to keep herself from grinning so hard it would hurt.

But something caught her off guard. Something astounding but in the most amazing way.

That high note.

She was amazed by how easily you hit it and how beautiful and steady your voice remained.

"Now I'm in a cab I tell 'em where your place is," you sang and Taylor's heart pounded against her chest. "What is happening to me?"

She rushed down the other steps and into the kitchen. She put her arms around you and let her lips brush against the back of your neck.

"Taylor!" You gasped. "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry, darling." She said as she put her chin on your shoulder.

You put the spatula in your hands down before turning around to face her.

Biting at your lip, you looked at her with what looked like an awkward expression, as if you felt uncomfortable for some reason.

"What is it, sweet girl?"

"Just wondering... how much of that did you hear?"

"You singing my song, you mean?"

You groaned and put your forehead on her chest, knowing she'd heard  you.

"It was amazing, babe."

"You're just saying that to be nice."

"No, I'm saying it because I mean it. From the very bottom of my heart, you were amazing. You know I don't lie to you."

You pulled your head from her chest and looked into her eyes, finding that they were sparkling.

"And that high note, baby, wow!"

You giggled and buried your face in her shirt.

"Taylor, it wasn't good."

"You're right... it was incredible, darling."


She nodded and cupped your cheeks as you looked at her once more.

"You're very talented, my love. I wish you'd realize that. I wish you'd believe in yourself the way I believe in you." She smiled and kissed your forehead lingeringly.

"Thank you, Tay."

You put your lips on hers for a quick kiss before turning around to continue making breakfast while Talor hugged you from behind and sang different songs with you, loving every second of it.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now