you're the one (requested)

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You opened your eyes as Taylor's lips brushed against your forehead, lingering there on your skin for a moment before she pulled back with a bright smile on her face.

"I thought you might've fallen asleep." She teased as she began to play with your hair.

"No, not sleeping. I'm just so content right now."

"Me too." She said as she tightened her grip on you just a little, her fingertips brushing across your arms as you kept your head on her chest.

You're cuddling in bed with a movie playing, although neither of you is paying much attention to it at all.

It's the first evening you've spent together in quite some time. The first of many, since you both have a few days off now.

"I love you so much." She whispered before leaning down to give you a kiss.

But just as her lips touched yours, her phone began to ring on the nightstand.

"No," you groaned as she reached for it, her arms unwrapping from around you. "Who is it?"

"No one important." She said and you breathed out a sigh of relief as she declined the call before putting her arms around you once more, only for her phone to ring again. "You can't be serious." She grumbled.

"Tay, who is it?"

She kissed your temple softly before getting up.

"I'll be right back, baby. I promise." She promised before walking out of the room.

You reached for the remote to pause the film.

You're hardly paying any attention to it, same with her, so it wasn't that you were pausing it so she wouldn't miss anything but rather because your curiosity was getting the better of you and you couldn't help but wonder who was calling.

You got out of bed and tiptoed across the floor before standing against the door. You could see Taylor pacing down the hall, fingers tangled in her hair as she spoke quietly.

"I'm not interested."

There were a few seconds of silence for you as the person on the phone spoke to her before she spoke again.

"No, I've already moved on."

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and continued to listen.

"No, you're not listening to me. I don't want to get back together! I have a girlfriend, I've been with her for over a year now. I'm committed and loyal to her. You broke up with me long ago. You can't just call me up one day and think I'm going to want you back. That part of my life is over. I don't want anything to do with you anymore."

An ex.

You knew it just by those few words.

She was most definitely speaking to some ex of hers.

"You need to move on too. I love my girlfriend. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with her. I'm not letting her go, especially not for you. You made it clear when we broke up that you weren't ready for a serious relationship. Look at how much time has passed by! I'm not available anymore. I am not yours. I'm happier than I've ever been. Get that through your head. Do not call or text me ever again. I'm done. Move on."

She groaned as she ended the call before she started to walk back to the bedroom, her  gaze on the floor until she bumped into you.

She gasped in surprise and put her hand over her pounding heart, chuckling over the scare as your eyes met.

"You startled me, darling."

You didn't smile or chuckle along with her. You just looked... sad.

"You heard?"

"Yeah." You mumbled and she sighed. "Your ex wants to get back together?"

"Looks like it. From what she said, I'm still the one she dreams of and wants to be with forever. Funny that she says that now that our relationship is so public and I've stated many times before how in love with you I am. When we were together, she never wanted to be public or to get serious in the slightest. There was no conversation allowed about marriage or family or growing old together. We were just dating and that is all she wanted. I wanted more."

"She misses you?"

"Yeah, but the feeling is most definitely not mutual. Not even in the slightest. I haven't thought about her once since we got together. I told her that part of my life is over and I mean that. You're the only one I want." She assured as she cupped your cheek in her hand, her forehead falling onto yours."

"I love you, y/n. When I think about my future, you're the only one I see in it. It's you I want to grow old with and have a family with. You're the one I want to write love songs about and stand with on the altar in front of our families and friends someday. You're the one I love. No one else."

"I know that but every time you say it, it still makes my heart flutter."

She giggled as she brushed her thumb across your cheek before she leaned in and kissed your lips.

"I love you so much, Tay."

"I love you more, beautiful girl. You're my whole world. Trust me, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me forever."

"Sounds perfect to me." You grinned and put your lips back onto hers, throwing your arms around her neck to pull her closer as she deepened the kiss slightly, making sure you know that you're the one she loves, and that'll never change.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now