embarrassed (requested)

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"You're warm," Taylor said as she pulled her hand away from your forehead before staring at you with a look of concern in her eyes.

You groaned uncomfortably, kicking off the blankets you begged Taylor to tuck you in under only a moment or two ago. Your stomach is hurting and you're clutching it tightly, groaning as you do so.

It broke her heart to see you this way.

It's about five in the morning and you woke her up a few moments ago, saying that you felt extremely sick and it's evident just how awful you feel just by the look in your eyes.

"I'll be back in just a minute, my love. I'm going to go get you some water." She said and kissed your temple before getting up to go and grab you some cold water to sip on.

You closed your eyes as she left the room, whining as the nausea you felt became even more overwhelming than it was before.

Your eyes shot open and you started to get out of bed instantly. Your mouth was watering and as much as you didn't want to move due to the pain in your stomach and your muscles, you knew you had to get to the bathroom quick.

But you didn't quite make it.

It hit you fast and as soon as you stood up, you fell to your knees on the floor and threw up.

Taylor returned right at that moment and the sight of you being sick on the bedroom floor broke her heart.

"Oh, y/n," she softly spoke as she walked to your side.

She put the glass on the nightstand before kneeling beside you. She gently pulled your hair back and watched you closely as you kept your eyes closed and tried to catch your breath.

"Are you okay?"


You felt the opposite of okay.

Not just because you felt so terrible and you just got sick, but because you were also incredibly embarrassed.

You swallowed the lump in your throat and stood up slowly. Your knees shook a little and Taylor reached out to wrap her arms around you so you wouldn't fall.

"Feel any better?"

You nodded your head wordlessly and then lowered it as she stood in front of you to feel your forehead once more.

You couldn't look into her big blue eyes. You felt too humiliated to do so.

Throwing up is already such a terrible thing to do but to do it the way you did and for her to walk in as you were doing so made you feel as though you wanted to just crawl out of your skin.

"Baby? Look at me."

You cleared your throat and pulled away from her, slowly padding across the floor and into the bathroom.

"Can I get you anything?"

"No. I'm okay. I'm going to brush my teeth and clean up my mess and then take a quick shower because I'm too hot."

"I'll help you."

"No!" You quickly said and noticed the look of hurt in your eyes as you rejected her offer. "Tay, it's fine. I'll be okay. I can do it."

"But you don't feel well. Let me help you. I'll clean it up."

"No, Taylor. Please don't worry about it. Don't fuss over me."

"Don't fuss over you? You're sick! You just threw up all over the bedroom floor!"

"I know and I'm so embarrassed about it, okay?"

Her eyes went soft and she sighed before pulling you in for a hug.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed."

"I couldn't even make it to the bathroom. Then you walked in on me vomiting everywhere. It was terrible."

"But I'm not worried about it and you shouldn't be either. The only thing I care about right now is you. I don't mind that you couldn't make it into the bathroom. Everyone throws up from time to time, y/n. It happens."

You looked into her eyes only to close yours a second later when she kissed your forehead.

"I'm your girlfriend. I'm here to love you and take care of you. Not to judge you." She said as she cupped your warm cheek in her hand. "So, please, baby. Let me take care of you. Let me help. You brush your teeth, I'll clean up. Then we can take a shower together and I'll hold you the entire time."

"To make sure I don't fall?"

"Sure, okay." She answered and you let out a small chuckle in response. "You're going to feel better soon but you'll feel much better with me here to help you and take care of you."

"I know." You said as you put your head on her shoulder. "Love you, Tay."

"I love you more. Now, brush your teeth. I'll be back in a minute."

She grabbed a towel and returned to the bedroom while you brushed your teeth, knowing that you'd feel better soon with Taylor by your side.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now