I go back to December all the time - part two (requested)

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Taylor sat alone in her dressing room, just staring down at her phone as her heart pounded in her chest.

You'd seen the message she sent you and she knows she shouldn't because she didn't think you'd even reply, but she kept a tiny ray of hope in her heart that you just might.

It's been a few minutes since you saw it, but no matter how much time passes Taylor continues to stare, wondering if she'd see the little bubbles on the screen as you typed out a reply to her.

She bit her lip and tapped her foot anxiously on the floor, waiting and hoping for a long few minutes.

But a knock on her dressing room door made her jump and snap out of her thoughts. She looked from her phone and to the door then back to her phone.

"Give it up, Taylor. She's not going to answer." She mumbled quietly to herself before she locked her phone, a long sigh falling from her lips as she walked to the dressing room door.

She figured it was a staff or crew member that needed her for something.

But instead, she saw you standing there, and her heart almost stopped.

"Hey, Taylor." You said with a small smile and watched as her lips parted and she shook her head as if to snap herself out of whatever thoughts were rushing through her head. "Can we talk?"

"Of course," she smiled and let you into the room before she closed the door behind her.

"I got your message but I couldn't seem to type out a reply. I tried to think of what to say but everything I thought of just didn't seem right to say through a phone. I needed to say everything to your face."

"Oh, I understand." She said and forced a smile, disguising the way her heart was breaking in her chest, thinking she'd made things worse somehow.

"I heard your speech." You said and watched as she closed her eyes, suddenly feeling regretful as if you were disappointed or angry with everything she said.

"The lyrics are touching. They truly are. You've always been so good with words, always knowing what to say and just how to say them."

"And I mean everything I say." She said.

"I'm sorry if I made things worse tonight between us with the speech and the song but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I had to get it off my chest. All of these thoughts and regrets that I kept to myself all this time were eating me alive. I had to get them out, I needed you to know them."

You nodded for her to continue and she licked her lips before doing so.

"When I saw you that day, things felt so strange. Don't get me wrong, I was so happy to see you. Honestly, for a while there, I didn't think I'd ever see you again. But things felt so awkward. We made small talk. It hurt me because we've been through a lot together. And, during those times, I was so... stupid. So blind. I didn't know what I had until it was gone. I'm still so angry at myself for that."


No, y/n, plezse let me finish. I need to tell you these things." She pleaded and so you nodded, letting her finish before you'd say all the things on your mind.

"I know I messed up. I should've treated you so much better than I did. You've always been there for me. You've always had the best intentions. You loved me and I screwed that all up because I didn't know what I wanted."

"Do you know what you want now?" You asked and she nodded.

"If I could, I'd go back in time and change everything that I did. I'd love you right. I'd love you the way you deserve. I'd give you all the things I should've given you then. Because I love you. I truly do."

"Love, Taylor," you said, almost as if you were correcting her, and she just stared at you in confusion. "You said I loved you. That's past-tense. I love you."

You've never seen her smile like she did after those words left your lips. Her eyes were so bright, her grin one of such happiness that it melted your heart.

"You do?"

"Of course I do, Taylor. You did hurt me that night when you ended things between us. But I know you've been through a lot. So, I get it."

"So... what does this mean?" She asked.

"What do you want it to mean, Tay? I need to hear the words come from your mouth. I need you to tell me."

"I want to love you." She confessed. "The way you deserve to be loved. If you'll let me, I'd be the happiest woman in the world. If not, if you just can't, I do understand."

You looked away from her eyes and to her hands then back into her eyes as you intertwined your fingers with hers.

"I'd love that, Tay."

It almost felt surreal.

But her eyes lit up as your words sank in, a smile tugging at her lips once more.

"I love you. I'm so sorry for messing things up before."

"Let's just put it behind us, Taylor. I just want to focus on now." You said as you tucked a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I love you too."

She pulled you into her arms, hugging you tighter than she ever has before, and you melted as she swore she'd never let you go and never mess things up like she had before.

She was going to love you and treat you the way you deserve to be loved and treated.

She felt so lucky to have you and she wasn't going to take you for granted ever again.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now