too drunk (requested)

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As soon as you pulled into the parking spot, you got out of the car and rushed into the bar where Taylor and some of her friends were.

The plan was that she only went out with them for a few drinks.

But you and Tay fought earlier this evening and those few drinks turned into more than what she and her friends planned.

She drank so much that you got a call from one of her friends that you needed to come and get her, as she was nearly borderline dangerous drunk.

Truth be told, you were so angry when she stormed out of the house earlier that you were happy she left so you could have some time to think and calm down.

But all of your anger has disappeared now and you can't even seem to remember what you were fighting about.

You're more nervous than anything else, only caring about your girlfriend's health and well-being.

"Y/N," one of her friends sighed in relief as they noticed you walking through the door. "You're here."

"Of course I am. I was so worried about her. Is she okay?" You said as you reached their sides, your eyes falling to Taylor who was so drunk she couldn't even stand up from the barstool on her own.

"Yeah, I think we cut her off just in time." One of her friends said. "She said she only wanted a few drinks but she kept drinking and eventually it just became too much. We knew if we didn't stop her that she'd get alcohol poisoning and that's the last thing she needs."

You nodded in agreement and put your arm around her as they helped her stand.

"I want another drink."

"No, Taylor, that is the last thing you need." You said as you put your arm around her, helping her out to the car as her friends did the same.

"Okay, here are her things. Let us know when you've made it home so we know she got there safe and sound."

"Okay, no problem. Thanks for calling me and keeping her safe." You said and instantly, you were brought into a big hug from her friends.

Pulling away a few seconds later, you waved goodbye to them and got into the driver's seat of the car to head home.

Taylor put her seat back a little as she put her arm over her forehead with a groan, mumbling about how her head was hurting.

"Taylor, why'd you drink so much?"

"I didn't drink that much." She slurred.

"That's not true. You handle your alcohol well and you're drunk off your ass tonight. I know you drank a lot. You're just too drunk."

She didn't respond, making you sigh.

"Taylor, if it's about the fight we had earlier it's already forgotten about. I honestly can't remember what we were fighting about. I'm more concerned about you. You're so drunk I'm shocked you don't have alcohol poisoning."

She groaned and brushed her fingers through her messy blonde hair.

"Do you even realize how sick you could've gotten? I assume you weren't more than a couple of drinks away from needing to go to the hospital."

"Fine, I'm sorry." She said. "Let's talk more about it tomorrow."

"During the hangover you're guaranteed to have? Okay, sure." You agreed. "I just love and care about you, Tay. No matter how much we fight or how upset I get, I will always care about you. Please don't forget that."

"I won't." She slurred as she closed her eyes. "Because I love you too."

You cracked a smile and turned your head to look at her, finding that she was falling asleep as you continued to drive home.

Tomorrow would be fun, that was for sure.

But, no matter what, you'd be there to take care of her as you try to work and talk things out.

You always will.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now