I'm here to take care of you (requested)

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"Here you go, my love. Drink up. We need to make sure you're drinking plenty of water." Taylor spoke as she walked to the bed, sitting beside you as she handed you a cold glass of water.

She watched you slowly take a few sips before you put the glass down, wincing over the pain in your arm.

"Is it hurting, baby?" She asked with worried eyes before she softly brushed her fingers across your other arm, noticing that you still had your bandage on your other.

It's early in the afternoon and you've spent the last hour or so sleeping off the start of the side effects you're feeling due to getting your vaccine for the virus earlier this morning.

Taylor has made sure to take the next few days away so she can be here for you, just in case.

And she's feeling thankful that she did because you're feeling pretty terrible already.

She placed her hand on your forehead and let out a little sigh before brushing her hand across your cheek.

"You're a little warm. Do you feel any other symptoms?"

"I'm a little nauseous, I have a little headache, and my arm really hurts."

"Okay. Let me grab you a few things and then I'll come lay down with you again and we can cuddle while you get more sleep."

"Okay." You said before letting out a yawn.

She kissed your forehead lovingly and then got up to go grab a bucket, just in case, as well as some painkillers and an ice pack for your arm.

She returned a moment later and put the ice pack against your arm before handing you the pain killers, watching as you put them against your tongue and then swallowed them down with a few more sips of water.

"That should help to make you feel a little better, sweet girl." She smiled and kissed your lips softly, watching as you cracked a tired smile in response.

"Thank you, Tay. I honestly can't imagine not having you by my side through this. I don't feel good at all."

"Better than the alternative." She said as she slipped beneath the blankets with you.

"That's true." You said as you laid your head on her chest.

"It won't be long until you feel better. Just a couple of days and you'll feel like your normal self again. Plus, you'll be vaccinated, which is a wonderful thing and should give us both some peace of mind."

"Yeah. I'm happy about that. I might not feel that well but it'll be worth it."

"Exactly." She smiled at you, brushing her fingers through your hair. "I'm here to take care of you so you don't have to worry about anything. You'll be fine and if you need anything, I'm here to get it for you."

"Thank you, Tay. You're amazing."

She shook her head and stared into your eyes with her bright blue ones as you tilted your head back and looked at her.

"You are." She whispered softly before kissing your lips once more. "Close your eyes now and try to get some rest. That arm of yours should feel better soon."

"Yeah, thanks to you." You reminded her as you closed your eyes.

"Anything for my girl."

She reached down and grabbed the blanket, pulling it up to your shoulders before kissing your head and staring at you.

She watched as you fell back asleep, her heart fluttering a little over how peaceful and adorable you looked as you slept in her arms.

She just hoped getting some rest would help you feel a little better.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now