you get mobbed on your way to visit her at the studio (requested)

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You closed and locked the front door behind you as you stepped out of yours' and Taylor's shared home.

You've decided to spend your otherwise boring afternoon off at the studio with Taylor, wanting nothing more than to be able to hold onto her for a while and see what all she's up to.

Since it's such a beautiful day outside, you decided you'd walk from the house and to her studio.

It's not a long walk, about fifteen or so minutes.

It sounded nice to get some fresh air.

You started to walk down the sidewalk, enjoying the feeling of the sun on your shoulders.

It was quiet and peaceful.

The birds were singing, the branches just barely swaying on the trees as the warm wind occasionally blew.

But the peace you felt didn't last very long, because you soon heard footsteps approaching you.


You turned your head and found a few men with large cameras close to you; much too close.

"How are you, y/n?"

"Fine." You mumbled quietly as you tried to walk faster, wanting to get away from them and to the studio where Taylor was; where the safety and comfort you need is at.

"Where are you going on this beautiful day?"

"None of your business."

"Where's Taylor?" Another one asked.

"Again, none of your business." You said and forced a polite smile at the men.

But it wasn't just paparazzi that you were going to encounter on what was supposed to be a beautiful walk to see your girlfriend, but rather some fans, as well.

You heard the excited screams from nearby before they rushed across the street to get to the side you were on.

Usually, you try to be friendly and talkative with them.

You even try to be kind to the paparazzi, at times.

When they're kind to you.

But you feel a little overwhelmed today. Taylor is usually with you when you encounter them.

You've both made it clear that you're not comfortable with people swarming around you, it's always hard to handle.

"Hi, y/n! We're such big fans of you and Taylor." One fan said and you thanked them, a genuine smile on your face as you looked them in the eyes.

It wasn't many fans, only a few. The paparazzi bothered you more than they did, as they were at least giving you a little space and not throwing their cameras in your face.

Or, rather, that's how it started.

Soon, what was probably six or seven fans turned into thirteen before turning into many, many more as you got recognized the more time you spent walking.

You weren't too far from the studio, just a couple of short minutes, and you thought you could handle it.

But the crowd of people around you was bigger than what you could handle, especially since they were struggling to keep their hands to themselves.

They began to mob you, tugging at your clothes and your hair as they shoved their phones into your face, begging you to smile and to take photos with them.

You felt the fabric of your shirt tear as someone grabbed too tightly at it.

Someone else scratched you slightly as they tried to grab you, only for their hand to slip and their nails to brush against your skin.

You could barely breathe as the voices got too loud and your heart was pounding.

Your hands shook as people continued to mob you, beginning for photos as they held their cameras out and repeatedly snapped photos of you.

"Please, leave me alone. Please give me some space." You begged, feeling overwhelmed by so many people.

On top of that, the paparazzi were still around, a few more than what it started off with. Their large cameras captured your every move.

They captured your tears and your pleas. They captured the way you begged for space and felt like you couldn't breathe.

You didn't feel relief even as you reached the studio doors.

You walked inside and they closed behind you, but you could still hear the screams and loud voices and you felt so overwhelmed.

You grabbed your phone out of your pocket with shaky hands and as you began to walk closer and closer to her studio, she answered.

"Y/N? Hey, darling. I'm happy to hear your voice!"

You could tell she was smiling and this would usually make you do the same. But not today.

"Taylor?" You cried and right away, her heart sank. "I'm here. I came to visit you and I got mobbed on the way here."

"Oh, no." She mumbled and rushed to the door of her studio, quickly opening it.

You stood outside, trembling as tears fell down your cheeks.

"Oh, my love," she spoke sadly as she pulled you into her arms, holding you close. "It's okay."

"I felt overwhelmed. It was scary."

"I know." She sighed sadly, her fingers brushing across your back. "I know it's scary. Come inside."

She guided you into the studio and over to one of the chairs. She noticed that your shirt was ripped a little and you were still trembling, despite knowing you were safe and sound now.

She sat down next to you and pulled you right into her arms.

"I know, baby. It's a lot." She said as she soothed you the best she could. "But you're here with me, you're safe now."

She understood that you were shaken up. She's been there many times before.

"Are you hurt? Your shirt is ripped a little. But no one physically hurt you, right?"

She cupped your chin and started to look you over, making sure there were no injuries whatsoever, not even any tiny cuts or bruises.

"I think I'll drive here next time."

She chuckled a little, her thumbs wiping away your tears.

"That was scary."

"I know. But at least you're not hurt."

You nodded and closed your eyes as she kissed your forehead lovingly.

"I'm going to be saying something about this, don't you worry." She said as she rubbed your shoulders soothingly. "Next time, I'll send a guard with you."

You laughed and put your forehead on hers.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled, brushing her nose against yours. "Try to take a deep breath and relax. You're safe, I've got you."

You nodded and put your cheek on her shoulder as she put her arms around you, holding you as close as she could, promising that she wouldn't let you go until you were ready for her too.

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