come back home (requested)

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Taylor continued to pace around the living room with her phone against her ear.

The time is nearing one in the morning and you're still not home. You're also not answering her calls and you're not seeing her texts, which is extremely worrying for her.

You were supposed to go out to the bar with your friends but promised to be home around midnight. You had no plans to get drunk, just one drink.

But she worries you got carried away and that you might be hurt or something.

She huffed as she reached your voicemail yet again.

She was about to grab her keys and head off to the bar she knows you're at.

But the front door opened before she even got the chance.

She let out a breath of relief before putting her phone on the table.

"There you are! You're late and I was so worried about you!" She said as she threw her arms around you, only for you to pull away with a groan.

"What's the matter with you?" She asked, a little offended from you pulling away.

"Nothing, Taylor."

"Well, something is wrong. Why are you back so late?"

"Why do you care?" You asked, raising your voice slightly as you grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Because you're my girlfriend and I love you." She spoke quietly, feeling a lump grow in her throat.

"I stayed out late because I wanted to! Do I need your permission or something?"

"Oh, don't go there, y/n. You know that's so untrue and it's incredibly unfair. You're your own person and you need your independence and I get that. I'd never say you can't stay out late. I just worry about you."

"Well stop! I'm an adult! Just get off my back already! You're annoying me."

She felt tears sting her eyes.

She scoffed and grabbed her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Leaving. I love and care about you. I have every right to be worried when you're out drinking and are late. Put yourself in my shoes."

She walked out the door and slammed it behind her.

At first, you didn't do anything.

You thought she was being dramatic, as if she was trying to prove something to you.

"Taylor, come on." You groaned and walked to the door a moment later.

You expected to find her on the other side, but she wasn't there.

You gasped and felt your heart begin to beat faster as a rush of panic came over you.

"Taylor?" You called out before running out the door without a second thought.

"Tay? Come back here! Where are you?" You yelled out as you made your way down the sidewalk.

You ran as fast as you could and looked all around for her.

Finally, you saw her.

She was on the sidewalk a few blocks away from home, her hands covering her face as she cried.

You walked to her side and she lifted her head to see who was walking toward her.

"Babe, you scared me." You said and sat down next to her, only for her to scoot away from you. "Taylor, please don't do this."

"Do what?" She asked as she gazed at you, tears in her usually bright blue eyes. "Pull away? I think I have every right to after the way you spoke to me."

"I was wrong..."

"Oh, really?" She spoke sarcastically.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it. It's just been a hard week. I'm stressed and I'm anxious and I just needed to clear my head for a while."

She just sighed heavily.

"I love you. Please believe me when I tell you that I'm truly so sorry. You know me, Tay. I'd never snap like that at you for no reason."

"I know." She said quietly.

"It won't happen again."

"It better not." She said and cracked a small smile, her eyes sparkling a little.

You opened your arms for her and she happily moved into them, needing to hold you as close as she could.

"Come back home. It's cold."

"Okay." She smiled and stood up, holding your hand as you began to walk home together.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now