rebel (requested)

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"Is she answering?" You asked nervously as Taylor paced around the kitchen with her phone to her ear.

"No. No answer." She groaned and dropped her forehead onto the counter. "It's three in the morning. We don't even know when she left and how long she's been gone exactly. She wasn't even supposed to leave the house in the first place! Where is she?"

You bit your lip, feeling anxious as you looked back at the clock and reached for your phone to call your daughter's phone again.

She's in a rebellious phase. At only fifteen, she's crossing too many lines. She's sneaking out every night, to the point where Taylor has ordered a motion sensor and window alarms.

"Should I call her again? Or should we go out and look for her? Maybe call her friends' parents?"

Taylor considered every option you suggested. She was nearing the end of her rope. You both are.

She was about to respond when you both heard the front door suddenly open.

You both quietly crept out of the kitchen and into the living room to catch a glimpse of your daughter attempting to sneak up the stairs.

"Where have you been?" Taylor asked, causing your daughter to turn around slowly.

"Nowhere, mom." She groaned.

"Wendy! Knock it off." You spoke sternly. "You had us worried sick! This is the fourth night this week you've snuck out! We're fed up and done with us."

"Whatever," she grumbled.

"Don't you dare walk away from us!" Taylor spoke, her jaw clenched. "Come back downstairs and talk with us."

She sighed but made her way back downstairs and over to the couch, shoving you lightly as she did so.

"I can do whatever I want, you know."

"No, you can not. You are fifteen. By law, you have to follow our rules under our house. You are not even close to being an adult."

She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Stop rolling your eyes and just listen!"

Taylor could tell you were almost pleading for her to listen to you.

"We are sick and tired of this. Do you even realize how much you're destroying your future? You're skipping classes and, I'm so shocked to find out, that you're also failing all of them!" You said sarcastically.

"You're sneaking out every night, you barely sleep, and your mom and I found out that one of our bottles of wine is missing. I'm assuming you know where that went." You spoke as you folded your arms over your chest.

Wendy hung her head and bit her lip. She'd been caught. She knew it was probably going to happen sooner or later. She thought she was tough. But she has to admit it; she's a little scared now.

"This is how it begins. Soon, you'll be breaking laws. Do you understand how scary that is for us? You're really worrying us. We love you so much. Why do you keep doing this? Are you trying to do it to get our attention? Or what?"

"I don't know!" She yelled. "I just want to fit in with everyone else. People treat me differently. They say things about me. So, I've been sneaking out because it's my time to just get out and think."

"Where do you go when you sneak out?" Taylor questioned.

"A lot of places. But never anywhere dangerous or illegal. I go to parks or get some food or walk through town. Anything."

"I know we work a lot, but we always make time for you. Is that a reason you sneak out?"

"Sometimes." She confessed.

"And why you ditch school? Why you're failing classes?"

"I just don't like being in school. I never fit in."

You and Taylor exchanged a look of concern and sadness before going to sit beside her.

"We love you. You know that. Don't you?"

"Yeah." She mumbled.

"You can always talk to us. Please, start opening up to us about these things. Even if it's scary, it's things we need to know so we can get through them and work on them together."

"Am I in trouble?"

"Yes." You and Taylor said at the same time.

"You're grounded for two weeks. You're going to school. We've got to boost those grades. Because you're a smart, beautiful girl with a very bright future ahead. Please don't throw that all away because of some stupid opinions from people that don't matter. I know people can be mean, so talk to someone when it happens so they can stop it. Stand up for yourself, without being cruel like them. Okay?"

She nodded at you, promising she'd do better.

"People are just jealous. Don't let it get to you." Taylor said as she tucked a lock of Wendy's hair behind her ear. "We love you. Don't ever forget that."

"I love you too. I'm sorry for everything." She said, almost tearing up.

"It's okay. Don't cry. Just promise that from now on, things get better. No more sneaking out, no more skipping classes. You go to school, you get better grades, and if you have any problems you speak to someone you trust there, or you text or call us."

"I promise." She told Taylor before hugging you both.

"You better. Sneak out one more time and I'm getting a guard to stand outside and watch all night to let us know if you go out." Taylor warned, making you both laugh.

"Go to bed. Try to get some good sleep."

"I love you both."

"Love you," she said before going upstairs to bed.

You laid your head on Taylor's shoulder with a sigh.

"I think we did it. I think it's going to get better now." You said as you felt like a weight was lifted from your chest.

"Only time will tell. But I think the same thing." She said as he kissed your head and then laid hers on yours as you both drifted off to sleep right then and there.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now