calling her by her full name (requested)

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"Hey, Tay. What are you up to?" You asked as you plopped down in bed beside Taylor, giving her a sweet kiss on her cheek.

You waited a few seconds for her to answer but she didn't say a single word to you.

"Are you writing more music?"

"Yes." She spoke quietly, a heavy sigh falling from her lips as she finished speaking.

"Can I hear it soon?"

"I just started on it, y/n." She said a little harshly, looking at you with an annoyed expression.

"Yeah but you're a genius, it'll be done in no time. Besides, you always play your songs for me first?"

"So why did you even ask?" She asked, her voice raised slightly. "Obviously I will, so don't ask!"

"Someone needs some sleep." You grumbled.

"Someone needs to stop getting on my last nerve. You're being annoying right now. So can you go away and give me some space? For once?"

You know she's stressed and frustrated but you also know you didn't deserve to be spoken to you that way.

"Taylor Alison Swift!" You yelled and she quickly looked at you again.

Her blue eyes were wider than you've ever seen before and she looked completely baffled by you suddenly using her full name.

"Do not talk to me that way. I know you're frustrated and tired and maybe I was getting on your nerves a little but I do not deserve to be spoken to that way."

She put her pen down and then took your hands into hers.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry if I was being a little bothersome."

"What? No, you're not. I'm just stressed. I have this idea for a song but I can't get it all out of my brain. So it's just getting the best of me right now. But still, you did not deserve to be spoken to the way I spoke to you. You're exactly right and I'm truly sorry."

"Good." You smiled. "I know you'll get it done sooner or later. You're the smartest woman in the world, an absolute genius. I know that this song you're writing will be a mega-hit."

"Thank you, my love." She smiled before kissing your lips. "Let me work on this for a bit and then we'll watch a movie together."

"Okay." You agreed. "Hey, using your full name really works. Guess I'll have to use it more often."

"You better not. It kinda scared me." She said and you laughed before kissing her once more.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now