serenaded (requested)

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"Good luck, baby," you told Taylor, puckering your lips for a kiss as you sat down in one of the seats in the front row.

"Thank you, my love." She smiled and happily kissed your lips before walking up onto the stage.

Her band is on stage, instruments all set up as they patiently wait for Taylor to begin rehearsing for tonight's show.

The crew is moving around, setting everything up for the show.

And you're sitting down in the crowd, the only person there aside from a staff member or two.

You love moments like these.

You adore it when you get to see Taylor rehearse for her shows.

You always love seeing her perform, but it feels intimate somehow as she performs and you're one of the only ones in the room watching and listening.

You love watching the show each night but these times are ones that you cherish, adoring your girl enjoy rehearsing, and having fun doing so.

"So, let's start with one of my girlfriend's favorites," Taylor said into her mic, speaking to her band as she kept her eyes on.

"This ain't for the best. My reputation's never been worse so you must like me for me. We can't make any promises now, can we, babe? But you can make me a drink."

Your heart skipped a beat as she sang. Every word that fell from her lips was sung ever so softly and her blue eyes stayed locked with yours.

"Is it cool that I said all that? Is it chill that you're in my head? 'Cause I know that it's delicate. Is it cool that I said all that? Is it too soon to do this yet? 'Cause I know that it's delicate. Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it?"

You waved your hands slowly, swaying them in the air along to the melody of the song.

She held her hand out as if she was trying to hold yours from her spot on the stage.

"Sometimes I wonder when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me? Sometimes when I look into your eyes, I pretend you're mine all the damn time."

You sang every word with her, although your voice was much quieter so you wouldn't be heard by many.

When the song came to an end, she blew you a kiss and you caught it in your hand, causing her to grin.

"What song next? Y/N, what do you think?" She asked.

"You should do so it goes,"

"So it goes it is." She smiled and began to sing.

"See you in the dark. All eyes on you, my magician. All eyes on us. You make everyone disappear and cut me into pieces. Hold cage, hostage to my feelings. Back against the wall. Trippin', trip-trippin' when you're gone."

It's one of your absolute favorite songs by her and one you wished was more appreciated.

And hearing her sing it to you as she looks into your eyes made the moment even more perfect.

"I love you." You mouthed to her.

"I love you too, sweet girl," she said in between lyrics before continuing, serenading you with every lyric.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now