she gets in an accident after you fight - part two (requested)

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The following hours dragged by. Each one left you feeling even more anxious than the last. You switched between staring at the clock and the doors, hoping the doctor would come walking out at any moment.

Eventually, you gave up on watching both the doors and the clock. It only made you more anxious as time went on with no sign of any news coming soon.

You put your head back and closed your heavy eyes. It was in the early hours of the morning now and your exhaustion has caught up to you, so you decided to put your head back and maybe get a little sleep.

But before you got the chance to even drift away, you heard footsteps approaching you.

You opened your eyes and saw a doctor coming your way, a small and friendly smile on his face when you sat up.

"You're Taylor's girlfriend, y/n, right?"

You nodded quickly.

"Good." He said and put his hand out for you to shake.

He introduced himself and gave you a rundown of everything that happened as far as the accident went.

"She's going to be okay, right?" You asked as tears gathered in your eyes and threatened to fall.

"She will be." He sighed. "She came in with a lot of damage. She crashed into a lamp post. Her car is completely destroyed. She will heal, but it's going to take a lot of time. I'm talking several months."

"I understand. I'll be happy to help care for her."

"I'm sure you will be." He smiled a little. "She's going to be in here for some time and she might need some physical therapy. She broke some ribs as well as her leg, had some cuts, has some whiplash, and has a concussion. But, that's all things she can and will recover from. It's just going to take a little time."

You lowered your head as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Sorry. I was just terrified."

"It's okay. It's a very scary situation. But you can breathe now. She's going to be just fine. She's slowly waking up and I think she'd like for your face to be the first thing she sees."

You lifted your head and chuckled through your tears. Thinking about seeing her and holding her hand again after being so terrified of possibly losing her had you feeling quite emotional.

"I'd love that."

He walked with you, leading you down the long hallway after you stepped off the elevator.

"She's right in here." He said as he opened the door. "And she's awake." He said when he noticed her eyes were wide open.

You followed behind him and ran to her side while he checked all of the cords and her vitals.

"Everything looks good. Let me know if you need anything." He said and then left the room, letting you both have some privacy.

"Tay," you cried as soon as he left.

You fell into the chair by her bed and took her hand, dropping your forehead against her arm as you sobbed.

"I was so scared."

"I was too. But I'm okay, baby. I'll be just fine." She said, her voice weak and scratchy.

But you didn't mind. It was just so nice to hear it again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Tay."


She tried to interrupt, but you shook your head, insistent on saying the things on your mind.

"The fight was so stupid. I'm sorry for getting mad at you. If I would've just heard you out instead of starting that stupid argument, you would've never left and gotten into the accident. It's my fault."

"Don't ever say that." She said as she took your hand into hers, giving it as big of a squeeze as she could, which wasn't much. She was too weak and sore. But she did her very best and it melted your heart.

"It is not your fault. I argued with you." She said. "This was just a freak thing. It was not your fault at all, so don't you ever blame yourself for it."

You nodded and kissed her hand softly.

"I am sorry though."

"Me too." She said softly, her big blue eyes staring into yours. "but I'll be okay. I'm tough, I can get through anything."

"I know you can, Tay." You smiled and stroked her cheek softly. "You just need a little TLC, which I'm happy to give you."

"I figured you would be. You're amazing like that."

You pecked her cheek and she smiled tiredly at you. She noticed how tired you looked, as well as the tear stains on your cheeks.

"You can rest now."

"In a few. Right now, I just want to be with you."

She nodded understandingly.

"I'm so thankful you're okay."

"Me too." She said. "I've been working on something special. That's the reason I've been missing our dates. I have a special surprise planned for our anniversary."

"Oh, Tay," you sighed and brushed your thumb along her cheek. "That's so sweet. I look forward to whatever it is."

She closed her eyes, her hand still holding yours as she began to fall asleep.

"You can rest, Taylor. I'll be right here the whole time."

"I love you so much." She whispered and then smiled a little when you kissed her arm and laid your head on the bed.

"I love you too." You spoke softly and finally closed your heavy eyes, finally able to rest now that you know she's going to be just fine.

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