when she hears fans talking badly about you (requested)

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"It's so nice to meet you! Thank you so much for coming to see me! I hope we can see each other again soon!" Taylor happily spoke as she gave the fan she was currently meeting one last giant hug.

When the fan let go and walked away from Taylor, she took a second to herself to take a drink of water and peek out at the fans waiting to meet her.

She's back on tour and just as she's done all the years before, she's holding a meet and greet after the show tonight.

The only thing that would make her feel even better tonight is if you were here.

But you weren't feeling very well and you wanted to go back to the hotel after the show, where you'd probably rest until she finishes and joins you in the hotel room to give you all the cuddles she can.

But she knows you'll be patiently waiting and right now, she wants to focus on meeting all the fans waiting to meet her.

So she nodded to the crew member that was letting fans in and when the curtain was pulled back a little, a couple of excited fans rushed in and over to her.

"Hello! It's so nice to meet you!" She said as she hugged them both tightly. "How are you doing? Did you enjoy the show?"

The fans squealed and excitedly rambled to her through their tears and grins.

But something caught her attention.

She tried hard to focus on the fans in front of her but at the mention of your name, she couldn't help but listen.

The fans that were next were talking about you and Taylor, at first, felt so excited to hear your name.

But the conversation they were sharing wasn't good.

"Please tell me that Y/N isn't here tonight," One of the fans snottily spoke.

"I heard a fan say that Taylor told someone that Y/N wasn't feeling well and went to the hotel so she shouldn't be here."

"Oh, thank god. I can't stand her. She's so annoying. I love Taylor but I can't understand what she sees in her. She's just so... ew."

The fans all laughed together and Taylor's heart shattered as her smile faded.

"I feel bad for Taylor, honestly. Imagine living with Y/N, waking up to Y/N, and going to bed with Y/N. I wouldn't last a day. Between her annoying voice and her annoying personality, I'd dump her. I wonder why Taylor hasn't. But gosh, she could do so much better than that pathetic girl."

Taylor's blood was starting to boil.

But before she could go storm out and confront the fans, there was a pull at her hand from one of the young fans in front of her.

"Taylor, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm great!" Taylor said, smiling brightly.

"Don't worry, we like Y/N. We think she's awesome!"

That warmed Taylor's heart.

"Yeah? Good, because I think she's awesome too. And so are you! Let's take a picture!"

She held the fans close to her, smiling from ear to ear as they took a couple of pictures together.

"I hope to see you both someday soon! You're both so precious, I love you!" Taylor said as she blew them a kiss as they walked out.

As the curtain opened and those snotty, stuck-up fans entered, Taylor got angry.


"You two can just go." She said as she nodded to the guard across the room that stood by the other curtain.


"What do you mean what? I heard everything you girls said about my girlfriend. How dare you speak about her that way."

They didn't look impressed or happy as they stared at Taylor.

"I want you to go and I never want you two to call yourselves fans of mine from this night forward. No one that truly loves and admires me talks about my girlfriend that way. That was uncalled for. It was rude and unacceptable."

"We're sorry." One of them said.

"No, you're not. You're sorry that I overheard. But if I hadn't, you would've hugged me and smiled at me right in my face as if you hadn't just said those things about my girl."

"We just think you could do better." The other fan spoke.

"No, I couldn't. There is no better than my girl. She's been there for me through a lot and she loves me just the way I am. If you were fans of mine, you'd be happy that I'm happy. You wouldn't say those things about her if you were true fans. You're just jealous or hateful, or even both, maybe. Either way, I want no part of this. I don't want to meet you. Go and don't come back to see me again."

"Miss Swift has made up her mind. Let's get going." The guard said as he ushered the fans out.

Taylor didn't care if standing up for you means losing fans.

She only wants to make sure that everyone knows that you're her whole world, her one and only, and the love of her life.

If fans can't be happy for her, she'd rather have fewer fans.

Because seeing her happy and so in love should make those who love her so deeply happy for her.

And if they can't be happy that she's happier than ever and has found the one she's going to spend her life with, then it's their loss. Not hers.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now