you'll be okay (requested)

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Taylor cursed under her breath when you walked out of the house, slamming the front door behind her.

She tangled her fingers in her hair before dropping her forehead onto the counter.

A few harsh words had been exchanged between the two of you after you fought over her late arrival. She got caught up in the studio, having to finish up a few last-minute things that came up.

You're so understanding about that... most of the time.

Tonight, however, was an exception.

Because she's got the day off tomorrow and you decided you'd make her a delicious homemade meal, her favorite, by candlelight.

It was the sweet start of your time together.

But she didn't inform you that she'd be coming home late.

Her phone had died but she hadn't even noticed, because she'd been too caught up in her work to think about anything else.

She understands it now. She sees your point of view and why you'd be so upset. You went through a lot to make her a special dinner.

She understood even before now but she couldn't bring herself to say the words. She was a little too stubborn to admit it.

But now you've walked out the door and she feels guiltier than she's ever felt in her life.

"Screw this." She mumbled to herself, deciding that putting her pride aside was better if it meant that you'd come back home safe and sound.

She pulled her jacket on, knowing that the air was chilly outside, and grabbed her keys and phone before she headed out the door.

"Y/N?" She yelled as she walked out the door, closing it behind her. "Babe? Can you hear me?"

She looked around but couldn't see you anywhere.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything that I said back there. You know I never would." She yelled out as she walked down the steps and started to look around for you.

She walked a couple of blocks before freezing on her feet, a sigh of relief falling from her lips.

"Y/N, there you are!" She yelled out as she watched you begin to cross the street.

You turned around at the sound of her voice and she began to walk toward you.

"Darling, it's freezing and it's late. Can we go back home and talk about it inside? I don't want you getting sick."

Getting sick should've been the least of your worries.

As you stood in the quiet and empty street, watching as your girlfriend called out for you and got closer with every step that she took, a car turned down the street you were on.

You turned your head over the bright headlights lighting up the otherwise dark street. You didn't even have the chance to run and move out of the way, as it sped up.

Taylor watched in horror as it crashed into you. You tumbled to the ground and the driver sped off without a care in the world, while Taylor's began to crumble.

"Y/N!" She yelled and ran to you. "Can you hear me? Baby, please open your eyes!"

You didn't open them though. You weren't responding, but you were breathing, although barely.

With shaky hands and tears blurring her eyes, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and called for an ambulance.

"M-My girlfriend got hit. She's barely breathing. Please send help." She pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched you breathe.

She dropped her phone and stroked your cheek, trying not to panic over the blood she saw on your head.

"You're okay." She sniffled and took your hand into hers. "I'm right here, my love. I'm not going to let you go, I swear. Just hang on for me."

You stirred slightly and Taylor dropped her forehead onto your arm, crying hard as everything played through her mind.

"This can't be it. I won't let you go." She cried. "You'll be okay. I'm going to be by your side every step of the way, I promise."

She listened to you breathe and tried to stay positive as she looked around to see if the ambulance was anywhere in sight, only breathing out a sigh of relief when she heard the sirens in the distance.

"Help is coming and I'm still right here with you. I'm not going anywhere. Just stay with me. I'll make everything up to you, I swear. I love you." She sniffled and stroked your cheek with a shaky hand, begging through her tears for you to hang on and be okay.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now