queen (requested)

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"Excuse me, thank you," You politely spoke as you made your way through the crew members who were setting up for tonight's show.

You're excited just thinking about watching your girl get back on stage tonight for the first time in quite a while.

She's over the moon about finally being able to perform again and it's even more amazing considering she gets to perform songs that are hers and only hers, making it all even more special.

You could hear her laugh and it guided you down the halls and to the stage in the empty stadium that would be packed with almost a hundred thousand excited fans in just a few hours.

You saw she was goofing around with her band; the same band she's had for years.

It warmed your heart to see her smiling so brightly and enjoying some time between rehearsing for tonight's show.

You snuck up behind her and covered her eyes, causing her to jump at first.

"Guess who, baby." You smiled and kissed her shoulder, causing everyone around to smile as Taylor grinned from your surprise visit.

You pulled your hands away from her eyes and she turned around.

Her blue eyes were so bright and it was clear that she was so happy that you were here.

You were supposed to make your way up here sometime today but since you had a late night last night, you decided to get a little extra sleep in the hotel room before you'd come and visit Taylor.

That was completely okay with her as she was feeling a little tired as well, so she understood just how you felt.

However, she had no choice but to leave at the time she did.

So you being here now is making her mood brighten even more.

"Hi, Tay!" You cheerfully spoke and kissed her cheek.

"Hello, queen."

Your eyes went wide when you heard her call you that.

Never has she ever called you that before and it was even more surprising that she'd do that around everyone, since she usually tries out new pet names when you're in private, just to see your reactions between the two of you first.

"What'd you call me?"

"You heard me." She said as she put her arms around you and pulled you close. "Queen."

Hearing her say it yet again caused your heart to flutter.

You bit your lip and looked away from her eyes, which were on you and looked so soft and so full of love that it had everyone around smiling at the sight.

"What's wrong, my queen?"

You giggled as she kissed your forehead a few times and held you tight, her fingers brushing softly across your back.


Taylor could tell that it was hard for you to stop smiling, which only made her want to call you that even more.

"You look so beautiful, queen. As you always do."

You looked back up at her, flustered as you felt people's eyes on you as they wanted to witness the cute moment.

"Tay," you whined as your ears turned red.

"You're so cute, queen."

You buried your face in her neck and wrapped your arms around her neck, holding her tightly despite how blushy you felt.

"Do you like when I call you that?" She whispered in your ear.

"Yeah. Every time you do, my heart skips a beat." You confessed. "You should call me that more often."

"Yeah?" She smirked a little, realizing just how much you adored it.

You nodded and gazed into her sparkling blue eyes.

"You got it, my queen."

You laid your cheek on her shoulder, weak in the knees over the sweet name that she'd definitely be using more often.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now