she gets jealous when you don't pay attention to her (requested)

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You sipped on your drink as you sat around your close friends, laughing and joking around together.

Taylor sat beside you, her cheek resting on your shoulder as the music blasted through the speakers at the party that Camila was throwing tonight.

It wasn't as loud where you have all gathered around since you were outside, sitting around the fireplace as you talked about whatever came to mind.

You've spent the last few hours here. It has to be going on two am at this point but you didn't mind.

You could sacrifice a few hours of sleep if it meant that you could catch up with your friends.

Taylor was enjoying herself too, sipping on some wine as she stayed curled up to you and listened to the conversation.

Well, she was.

Until a few minutes ago.

You've barely paid her any attention over the last forty minutes or so.

She understands that you're just talking and enjoying yourself but she feels a little sad seeing you pay attention to everyone but her.


You turned your head upon hearing a familiar voice.

Arriving a little late to the party was Cara and she felt thrilled to see some more familiar faces.

"Hey! How have you been?" She asked as she bent down to give you a quick hug, one hand staying up in the air to keep herself from spilling her drink on you.

"Good!" You smiled.

"Good to hear. Hey, Taylor. How have you been?" She asked as she gave Taylor a quick hug too.

"Fine," Taylor said, forcing a smile.

"So, what are we talking about? Hopefully, I didn't interrupt anything."

You all chuckled, shaking your heads in reassurance.

Taylor's sadness was beginning to turn into jealousy.

It was yet another person for you to pay attention to, which meant far less for her.

She bit the inside of her cheek and waited a moment to find the perfect time to pull you into a conversation - just the two of you.

But she didn't find the chance, even minutes later.

She rolled her eyes and finished the rest of her drink until only ice was left in her red solo cup.

She got up without a word and stormed off into the house, making you frown.

"I'll be right back." You said before getting up, going inside to find Taylor.

She was at the counter in Camila's kitchen, pouring herself another drink.

"Hey, baby. Is everything okay?" You asked as you came up behind her, hugging her.

"Sure." She grumbled as she pulled away.

"Wait, don't go." You mumbled sadly. "What's going on? Why do you seem so upset at me?"

"I'm not upset!" She grumpily said as she turned around to face you.

You folded your arms over her chest, chuckling a little.

"Okay, fine, I'm a little upset. But can you blame me? We've been here for hours and you've barely paid me any attention."

"Oh, I get it now." You chuckled as you put your hands on her hips. "You're jealous."

"What?" She rolled her eyes, only to sigh a second later and nod her head. "Fine. I'm jealous. I feel like I'm invisible out there. I just want some of your attention too."

Instead of saying anything back to her, you put your lips on hers to pull her in for a sweet kiss.

And when you pulled away a moment later, she was surprised, to say the least.

"I'm sorry, Taylor. I didn't mean to not pay attention to you. You know how much I love you. I've just been caught up with our friends at this party. But, if you want, we could leave and go home and cuddle until we fall asleep."

She thought about it for a second before shaking her head.

"We'll do that in a little while. I don't mind being here. I just miss you. I want some of your attention too."

"Well, trust me, my love, you've got it." You smiled before kissing her again.

You walked back outside with Taylor's hand in yours.

This time, when you sat back down, you curled up to each other and shared some kisses on occasion.

"I love you lots." You said as you brushed your fingers through her blonde hair.

"I love you too." She smiled, looking much happier now that she had your attention.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now