your son says his first word (requested)

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Taylor immediately felt a warmth fill her heart when she walked through the door.

She hasn't been gone long. She went out to get a few things from the store such as food and some baby things for your son that were laying on the carpet with you, crawling around, and playing with his toys.

"Hi, Tay! Happy that you're home!" You smiled and Taylor walked to you, bending down so she could kiss your lips lovingly before she pulled away and kissed your little boy's head softly.

He only turned a year old a few days ago and Taylor can't stop thinking about how perfect the entire day was.

She can't ever forget it. She went all out for it, spoiling your sweet little boy even more than she usually does.

"Let me put the groceries away and then I'll join you both." She promised and watched you nod before she walked into the kitchen.

She put everything away and started to walk back to where the two of you were but the feeling of something soft brushing against her leg made her stop.

She looked down and saw Benjamin staring up at her.

He meowed at her a few times before she picked him up. He began to purr as she pet his soft fur and walked to where you and your son were.

"Hey, buddy. Look who I brought." Taylor grinned as she kissed your son's head and put Benjamin down by his leg.

His eyes lit up and he gasped before reaching his small hands out to touch the cat who was purring and brushing against his hand.


You and Taylor both gasped and stared at each other in shock.

"Did he just say... cat?" You asked, staring at Tay in disbelief. "Did he speak? Baby, did he really just say his first word!?"

"Buddy? What is that?" She asked and your hearts hammered as you wondered if he would say it again.

And he did.

"Cat!" He said, sending you and Taylor his big gummy smile.

"He said cat! He said his first word!" Taylor screamed as she pulled you into her arms.

"Cat!" Your son repeated, giggling as you tickled him.

"Yeah, it's our cat! You love him, huh?"

He nodded and laughed as Benjamin licked his finger.

"I honestly thought his first word would be something like mom but I'm not complaining." You said as you rested your head on Taylor's shoulder.

"I'm so happy and so proud. He's growing up and getting so big!" She smiled, a little tearful from how proud she felt as she put her head on yours. "I love him so much."

"Me too."

"We're going to have to be careful from now on though. He's listening and learning." She told you and you shared a kiss, laughing against each other's lips as you did so.

"Congrats on saying your first word, buddy! You're getting so big now! Now, can you say mama?" She asked as she brushed her fingers through your son's hair, making you shake your head with a giggle as you excitedly thought about what he'd say next.

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