squeeze my hand - part one (requested)

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"Come on. Let's go home. It's getting late." Taylor said as you exited the cafe together, hand in hand.

You were more than happy with her idea because as much as you're enjoying your time with Taylor, you're starting to feel pretty tired.

You were on a walk through the city, enjoying the nice night together after a long day for both of you.

You decided to stop off at a cafe along the way and get something to drink, where you got lost in the quiet and conversation and before you knew it, almost an hour had gone by.

So now, it's after ten o'clock, and you're feeling pretty exhausted since you had such a long day.

So going home and curling up under the covers with Taylor sounded like a good idea to you.

She was talking as you walked down the street together, going on about the songs she's written lately and how she wants to play a few for you tomorrow.

But you both froze a second later when you heard a loud pop come from nearby.

"What the hell was that? Is someone letting off fireworks?" Taylor asked as she looked around in confusion.

You were just as confused and found yourself looking around as well but stopped a second later when you felt something running down your arm.

Brushing your fingers against your skin to see what it was, you pulled them away after to inspect them and your eyes went wide when you realized that it was blood.

That's when you felt pain as another pop was heard, causing you to fall onto the ground.

"Y/N!" Taylor said in a panic as she knelt in front of you on the ground.

She saw the blood on your chest and realized then what was happening.

You'd been shot.

Taylor looked around to see who'd done it when someone suddenly jumped into their car and hurried away.

But not before Taylor caught a glimpse of the license plate, memorizing the numbers and letters on the back of it before pulling out her phone.

"I need help!" She yelled into the phone. "My girlfriend has been shot! We need help right away. Please hurry, she's losing consciousness!"

Taylor put her phone down and grabbed your hand.

"Squeeze my hand, baby. Squeeze it with all your might. Don't let go." She said and you squeezed her hand as tight as you could, trying to keep your eyes open as help hurried to your location.

It arrived just a few minutes later and, thankfully, you were still conscious - though barely.

"I didn't see what happened. We heard the pop but didn't know what it was until she fell onto the ground in pain. Someone did this to her! You have to get them." Taylor frantically told the police before she got into the back of the ambulance.

She continued to hold your hand as the ambulance hurried off to the hospital, but along the way, just as you were about to reach the hospital, your heavy eyes slipped shut.

"Please open your eyes, my love. Stay with me, baby." She sniffled as she clutched your hand tightly, praying you'd squeeze it tight in return.

"Don't leave me. I need you." She cried as she laid her chin on your head, listening to your labored breaths. "We're almost there. Don't let go." She pleaded.

But you didn't open your eyes and Taylor knew that wasn't good.

At this point, you were only hanging on by a thread.

And all Taylor could do was sob as she wondered if she was going to lose you forever.

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