you're Hailee Steinfeld's little sister and dating Taylor in secret (requested)

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The sound of a knock on the window startled you awake from your light slumber.

You looked around the room and realized that you had fallen asleep while watching Netflix and texting Taylor.

The knock came from the window once more and you quickly glanced at the door to make sure that it hadn't caught Hailee's attention before you got out of bed and went over to the window.

"Open up, let me in!" Taylor said as she saw you making your way to the window.

You slid the window up to open it and a second later, Taylor made her way inside.

"Taylor, what are you doing here? I told you that you couldn't come while I stay with Hailee because she's just down the hall. What if she hears you?"

She sent you a sad look before putting her hands on your hips and pulling you close to her.

"I know it's risky to visit you while you're staying with your sister for a few weeks but I couldn't help it. I missed you too much."

You put your arms around her and pulled her in for a soft kiss, making her sad expression change into a bright smile that she cracked against your lips.

"I missed you too."

You pulled her over to the bed and laid down on it before she curled up beside you.

You laid your head on her chest and gazed up into her eyes as she brushed her fingers across your cheek.

You're visiting your older sister Hailee for the next few weeks because she's finally got some time off and you've missed her lots.

You and Taylor have been sneaking around for quite some time now as you date in secret, not yet telling a single soul, despite being together for over four months now.

Even though it can be challenging to date in secret at times, you both like things this way.

It's not that you feel as though you can't tell anyone, but rather that you don't want to.

Taylor isn't ready to tell the world about your relationship just yet; she's enjoying keeping things private between the two of you.

As for why you haven't told your older sister yet - you don't know how she'll react knowing that you're dating one of her close and older friends.

Lost in your thoughts, Taylor whispered softly to capture your attention.

"Hey," She whispered. "What are you thinking about?"


"Nothing?" She repeated, teasing you.

She pulled you closer, allowing for you to hover over her on the bed as you pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

Even though making out in your sister's house was risky, it was worth it to the two of you as Taylor has been quite busy lately and you haven't had the chance to see each other much.

You missed the taste of her lips and the way they moved against yours as she held you tight, her hands resting comfortably on your hips.

"I've missed you so much." She said as she reached down to untie your pajama shorts.

She turned you over onto the bed and hovered over you.

And as she kissed your neck, her name softly slipped from your lips, and all she could do was smirk.

She loved it too much not to.

You thought you were being quiet as you made out and spoke her name, but you weren't being all that quiet.

And just a moment later, as Taylor was slipping your shorts off of your body, the bedroom door opened.

"What's going on in here? Wait, oh my god!" She gasped as she saw Taylor holding your pajama shorts and hovering over you. "What are you two doing?"

"I can explain." You said as you sat up.

Taylor rolled off of you and sat beside you, looking anywhere but at Hailee.

"Taylor!? Are you making out with my sister? What is happening?"

You put your hand over Taylor's and intertwined your fingers together, making her look over at you.

She smiled a little as her nerves faded away slightly, the brush of your fingers helping to bring her a little comfort despite the embarrassment that she felt.

"We're dating."

"You and Taylor are dating? My friend and my sister are dating?" Hailee asked as she tried to put everything together. "What? How long has this been going on?"

"A few months."

"A few months! And I'm just now finding out about this!? Why didn't either of you tell me?" She asked as she raised her voice slightly.

"I was nervous." You confessed. "I know Taylor is your friend and I didn't know how you'd react to us being together. Not to mention, Taylor was worried that you might not approve."

"Why wouldn't I approve?" She asked before sighing and coming over to sit on the edge of the bed.

Taylor covered you up with some blankets, making all three of you feel more comfortable.

"Y/N, you're my sister. Yes, I am protective of you but you are an adult and you make your own choices. And if you're happy that's all I care about."

"So you approve of our relationship?" Taylor asked as she held your hand tightly.

"Of course I do." Hailee smiled. "You're my friend and you're my little sister. It might take me a little time to get used to but I love you both and all I want is to see you both happy. If you're happy, then I'm happy for you."

"We are happy." You smiled and pecked Taylor's lips.

"And in love," Taylor added with a big grin.

"Good to hear. But no making out in my house, please." Hailee groaned and you both laughed in response.

"Okay, you got it," Taylor said as she pulled you into her arms. "That's fair enough."

"I'm going to bed. Just watch a movie together or something."

"Netflix and chill?" You asked Taylor jokingly.

"No!" Hailee quickly said. "Not in my house!"

You and Taylor burst into laughter once more as you cuddled each other close, grateful that your sister was so supportive of your relationship.

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