protective (requested)

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You took a look in the mirror and then a deep breath as you looked at the outfit you'd be performing in tonight.

It's the AMAs tonight and you just released your newest song.

It's a little sexy and everyone on your team thought it'd only be right to wear a sexy outfit for your performance.

It's your first time performing it and you're feeling a little nervous about it.

But you're trying to think positively and remind yourself that your performance is highly anticipated and everyone is excited about it.

You heard your dressing room door open as you fixed your hair and you jumped at the sound.

But you relaxed when you saw Taylor come in. Her smile was big and bright and it warmed your heart to see.

"Hi, Tay!" You smiled and turned to face her as she began to walk to you.

Her smile faded, the sparkle in her big blue eyes fading as she looked you up and down.


"Do you like it?" You asked and took her hand when she was close enough to you to be able to hold it.

"Yeah. You look stunning, my love. So sexy." She smirked as she pulled her hand out of yours, wanting to put them both on your hips.

"Really? I'm a little nervous about performing my new song tonight. I know my outfit is revealing but it's not too revealing, is it?"

"Well," she paused and watched you frown. "Don't get me wrong, darling. You look so hot,"

You smiled, lowering your head as your cheeks became warm.

"But it is pretty revealing..."

"Oh..." you whispered sadly.

"No, baby, I don't mean it like that. I'm not trying to make you feel like you shouldn't wear it or that I don't want you to wear it. I'm not against it. It's your body, your choice about what to put on. You know I wouldn't ever tell you what you can and can't wear."

"I know, Tay," you said as you stared into her eyes.

"It's just," she paused, biting her lip with a shaky sigh. "I know how people look at you already. You're so stunning and everyone is always mesmerized by you, even when you're bare-faced and dressed in your sweats."

You interrupted her with a giggle and it made her heart flutter.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Some people don't know how their words and the looks in their eyes can cause so much discomfort sometimes. I'm worried everyone might check you out, that they'll say things."

"Like you'd ever let anyone say such things about me." You smiled as you looped your arms around her neck and she smiled.

"Tay, I love how protective of me you are. I love how much you love me and care for me and how you don't ever want people to say filthy things about me. But I want to wear this when I perform tonight. I might be a little nervous but I'm also excited."

"I know, baby girl. You should feel excited. It's a big night for you and you've got so many people in that crowd cheering you on. I'm sorry if I seem overprotective-"

"Tay, it's alright. I know you just look out for me and you don't want me to be uncomfortable because some people are creepy and don't know when enough is enough but I don't want to be afraid of what people think about me. I don't want to let anyone's opinions hold me back."

She stroked your cheek, a proud gaze in her eyes.

"That's what I like to hear."

"Besides, I know you'll protect me if anything does happen."

"Oh, absolutely, my sweet girl." She grinned and put her hand on your back, pushing her lips onto yours for a short but sweet kiss.

"You look amazing, absolutely breathtaking." She whispered as she put her forehead on yours.

"Thank you, baby." You smiled and put your lips back on hers for another sweet kiss.

Only, it was interrupted by a knock on your dressing room door.

"Come in!"

The door opened and you saw that it was a crew member.

"Y/N? It's time for you to get ready to head to the stage. You've got a couple of minutes before you sing."

You nodded and kissed Taylor's lips a few more times and when you pulled away, she was grinning from ear to ear.

"Good luck, darling. I love you! I'll be right in the front row, cheering you on every second."

"Thank you! I love you too." You said and took her hand, walking out of your dressing room to prepare to go on stage and give your best performance yet.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now