interrupted live streams (requested)

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Your eyes traveled across the screen of your phone as you watched all of the comments quickly roll in.

In celebration of your newest film coming out just recently and the most successful one yet, you decided to do a live stream so you can interact with your fans, whom you adore so much.

"I'm so happy that I have some time to sit down and talk with you all today. I don't know how long this live stream will be but I'm excited and I'll spend as much time with you all as I possibly can." You promised and a bright smile tugged at your lips.

You read through some of the comments and questions. There were so many that they disappeared quickly but you did your best to keep up with them all.

"Any more movies we can look forward to this year?" You read a question out loud, quickly smirking. "Of course. Many things are happening. I'm excited to share everything with you guys."

You couldn't  help but chuckle over the excited comments in response, your heart feeling so warm and so happy from the love you were getting.

"Is Taylor home?" You read aloud. "Not right now. She had to go do a few things. She'll be back soon. You'll all see her very soon, I promise. She's doing great, for anyone that wants to know."

Suddenly, you heard footsteps outside before the bedroom door opened.

"Oh, well, I stand corrected. She is home." You said before turning your attention to Taylor.

"Got everything I needed to get done today finished. I stopped at Starbucks and I got your favorite." She smiled as she walked to you.

She handed you the drink and you took a few sips, sighing blissfully over how wonderful and refreshing the drink tasted.

"It's so good. Thank you, baby."

She smiled at you before kissing you softly.

But you quickly remembered that millions of people were watching you right now and, therefore, had seen the kiss you shared.

You nodded to your phone and she realized you were live.

"You're doing a live stream?"

"Yeah, I thought it was time I do one."

"That's awesome, my love. Are you having fun?"

"Yeah. So much fun." You said as she brushed her fingers through your hair, her eyes full of adoration as she stared at you.

"That's great to hear. I'll go so you can spend some time talking to your fans."

"No, stay." You said, taking her hand into yours.

"You're sure?"

You nodded so she sat down on the bed beside you and you moved your phone around so you were both in the frame.

"Hi, everyone!" She waved with a big smile on her face. "You're showering my girl with lots of love, right?"

Her eyes sparkled when she watched the comments flood in that confirmed her hopes.

"Amazing. She deserves it."

You put your head on her shoulder and she kissed it softly before taking a couple of sips of her drink.

"Maybe we should do a q&a."

"That sounds fun!" She said. "Send in questions!"

Quickly, comments and questions flooded in.

"Oh, I like that one!" Taylor announced as she began to read it out loud. "Your three-year anniversary is coming up. Do you have any special plans together?"

"Yes. Dinner at home, with lots of candles and flowers and slow dancing." You answered.

"That sounds wonderful. Can't think of a better way than that." Taylor agreed.

"Taylor, have you written any new songs lately?"

"Uh, yeah, of course." She sassily replied, causing you to giggle. "Guess who my inspiration for them has been."

You scrunched your nose up as she kissed it softly.

"My girl, of course. She's my muse." Taylor spoke as she pulled you closer.

"Maybe someday we can see you in a film together." You read the comment aloud. "Maybe. That'd be interesting. A romance."

"Or a comedy or adventure film. As long as it isn't scary, I'm all for it."

You couldn't help but smile, thinking it's cute how scared she gets of scary films.

"I think we should end the live in a minute." You said and Taylor nodded in agreement. "I've had so much fun but I'm hungry and need some cuddles from my baby so we're going to go now."

"We'll do another one  of these soon!" Taylor promised. "We love you all. Thanks for all the love and support. See you soon!" She said and watched as you ended the live stream.

You put your lips on hers for a soft kiss, causing a smile to tug at her lips.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more, Tay." You spoke in return and laid your cheek on her shoulder, so happy with her that words couldn't express it.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now