performing Lover at one of your shows (requested)

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Your smile grew bigger and brighter as you pulled out your in-ears, allowing for you to hear the excited screams coming from your fans in the crowd tonight.

You looked around at them all in awe, swearing that you never feel happier than you do in these moments - when you're on stage, living out your dream while being surrounded by an endless amount of love from your fans who adore you and you adore right back.

You didn't say anything for a moment. You just basked in the warmth and happiness you feel that they always bring you.

But soon, one of your crew members rushed up on stage with your guitar in hand and he carefully helped you pull the strap over your shoulder.

You're only a few songs that your setlist and there aren't any slow songs for a little while more.

Your fans know that, as your setlist has been posted online for all fans to prepare for by the ones who came to your first show, which took place only a few days ago.

But tonight is different.

Taylor hasn't been able to come to any of your shows yet, although she's wanted to more than anything. But, unfortunately, she had obligations of her own and you know firsthand that those things are out of her control.

But that changed earlier, as she arrived in Rome, where your show is tonight and she'll be going everywhere with you from this point on for the next couple of months.

And so, you had something special planned.

You looked to the front row, where your girlfriend stood with a grin on her face.

She was so proud of you, that sparkle in her eyes not fading once for even a second.

"Thank you all so much for coming out tonight! I'm so happy to finally be here in Rome, which is a place I've always loved, and now one that I love even more because you've been so supportive and kind to me and I'm so grateful for you all!"

Your fans loudly cheered, making you beam with happiness.

"There's something I want to do tonight. See, another thing that makes tonight's show so special is that my girlfriend Taylor is here, and until today, she has been so busy. I won't tell you with what, that's something I refuse to spoil. But she's finally here with me and she'll be going where I go for the next couple of months. So, I wanted to serenade her with a surprise song."

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity and then looked around as the fans screamed out in excitement.

You began to strum the chords on your guitar to Lover and your band quickly joined in.

"We could leave the Christmas lights up till January. This is our place, we make the rules." You sang softly, your eyes locking with Taylor's bright ones. "And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear. Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?"

Taylor's heart was about to explode from the love and the happiness she was feeling.

She wrote that song for and about you and she was not afraid to share that with the world. Every time she gets the opportunity to talk about the songs she writes for you or you, in general, it always brings her such joy because no one in this world makes her as happy as you.

And she never imagined that she'd ever fall in love with someone as hard and as fast as she did with you.

To hear you singing the words to one of the songs she dedicates to you, to a song that she wrote to express just how much she loves you, was magical.

But it wasn't just you singing.

Every fan in the crowd was singing along with you and soon, Taylor joined.

"Ladies and Gentleman, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take this magnetic force of a woman to be my Lover," you sang as you pointed to Taylor. "My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue. All's well that ends well to end up with you. Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover,"

She couldn't stop grinning. She was smiling so big that it almost hurt. She was so happy that there were stars in her eyes and the fans around her quickly noticed them. She knew people were capturing these moments on their phones and she knew all eyes were on the two of you but it somehow still felt as though it was just the two of you in this room, as if no one else existed.

"Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever and ah, take me out and take me home. You're my, my, my, lover," you sang and the song came to an end.

Taylor was the loudest in the room, screaming and cheering for you at the top of her lungs, making sure you and everyone else knew that she was so proud of you.

"Thank you!" You grinned as you waved to the fans before blowing some kisses to your girl, watching as she pretended to catch them in her hands.

"I love you," she mouthed. "So much."

"I love you more, Tay."

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