I'm so sorry (requested)

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"Finally home." Taylor quietly spoke to herself as she closed the front door behind her and closed her eyes, a heavy sigh falling from her lips.

But her eyes quickly opened when she realized that she was hearing something from in the kitchen. It sounded like music. Soft, romantic music.

And it didn't make her heart flutter or skip a beat.

Rather, her heart sank deep inside her chest. Because it wasn't just romantic music that was playing.

But the entire kitchen and even part of the living room had been beautifully decorated with candles and flower petals on the floor, as well as a bouquet of her favorite flowers on the table that waited for her.

But, as if it couldn't get worse, when she walked across the room to pick up the flowers and take a whiff of the beautiful smell, she saw the plates on the table. Two plates full of her favorite food.

She cursed under her breath when she remembered that you were supposed to have a date night tonight.

She'd gotten caught up in the studio, writing and recording different things. She put her phone on silent so no one could disturb her as she got busy with music and she lost track of time.

She knew you must've been so heartbroken and she was crushed as she pictured the sad look on your face.

But when she heard the soft sounds falling from your lips from across the room, she quickly turned around and she saw you curled up on the sofa with a blanket over you, sound asleep.

One leg was under the blanket, the other over it and she couldn't help but smile despite the tears in her eyes from the immense guilt and disappointment she felt.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." She whispered as she walked over to you. "I can't believe I forgot our date. I feel horrible about it. We've had it planned for quite some time, haven't we? And here I am, being a lousy girlfriend and forgetting something so important."

She let out a sad sigh as she wrapped her fingers around yours.

"I know you must be so heartbroken or mad and I don't blame you whatsoever about that. I know I must've let you down. Honestly, I'm so mad at myself. I know this was so important to you and it was to me but I just completely forgot. I lost track of time tonight. I wish I could make it all up to you."

She sniffled and bit her lip as she held your hand tightly.

To her surprise, she felt you give it a squeeze and when she opened her eyes, you were staring at her.

"My love," she sighed. "I'm sorry. I understand if you want me to sleep on the sofa or in the guest room tonight. I'd understand if you're so mad you can't even look at me."

"Why would I do that?"

She looked at you with a confused look on her face.

"Because I forgot our date..." She reminded you and watched as you shook your head.

"That's true and I won't lie, I let a couple of tears fall and I was pretty sad that you couldn't make it. But I know you and I know you wouldn't stand me up or purposely make me feel bad."


"I know, Tay." You assured her. "I'm still sorta bummed. You promised me this date for a while and I went through a lot to make it as special as I could. You not coming home for it hurt, especially since I waited for a couple of hours for you before I came over here and fell asleep. However, I'm not mad anymore. I see in your eyes that you feel bad about it."

"I know I let you down and I promise, it'll never happen again."

"I know." You said with a small smile. "It would be one thing if you came home and got upset with me for some reason or refused to take responsibility for missing our date. But you came home and you apologized instantly and I think that's nice."

She smiled a little.

"So... you're not mad?"

"Not anymore, no."

"I will make this up to you, you know that, right?"

"I know, Tay." You said, squeezing her hand again.

"In fact, I'm taking tomorrow off and I'm making reservations at your favorite spot."

"Taylor, you don't have to do that."

"But I want to. I want to make this all up to you." She smiled. "I want to and I'm going to and I will not take no for an answer."

"Okay." You said with a bright smile. "But, as sweet as that is if you want to make it up to me, let's have a date night here as we originally planned to. I think a home-cooked meal and some Netflix and cuddles sounds better than a crowded and overpriced restaurant."

"If that's what you want then, darling, we will do just that."

Your eyes lit up and in response, she smiled from ear to ear.

"So, am I on the sofa tonight?"

"Only if I sleep down here."

She chuckled.

"No, Tay. You're not on the sofa. Let's put these candles out and go to bed."

She took your hand and you got up from the sofa, blowing out the candles together before you went upstairs, already excited to spend the entire day with your girl tomorrow.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now