let me hold your hand (requested)

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"Taylor, baby, it's time to get up," You spoke in her ear as you shook your girlfriend awake.

Taylor let out a groan as she stirred from your voice but other than that, she didn't make any attempt in waking up.

"Taylor, come on," You said as you continued to shake her. "I want to go out and have some breakfast with you!"

She rolled onto her back and, finally, she opened those bright blue eyes.

"What time is it?" She questioned before yawning.


"You're waking me up at seven am to go out for breakfast?" She groaned.

"Yeah. Come on, I'm hungry!"

She chuckled a little as she sat up in bed.

"Okay, okay." She sighed, rubbing her tired eyes. "I'd much rather sleep considering this is the first day off that I've had in a while but because it's you, my girl, I guess I'll get up and get ready."

She kissed your cheek and you sent her a smile as she went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

You felt so guilty for lying to her. It's not something you like doing. It always brings you so much guilt and sadness.

But you have no other choice but to do it this way.

Taylor has been refusing to go and get blood work that she's been needing to get done for a couple of weeks now.

You know it's only because she's afraid but you also know that this is important and she needs that shove to go in and get it done.

And if you don't take this opportunity to drag her in today on her day off, she'll use the excuse for weeks to come that she's too busy to go in.

So, as bad as you felt for lying, you had to do it.

After a couple of minutes, the bathroom door opened and Taylor came back into the bedroom.

"There's my girl!" You smiled and watched as she sent you one back.

"Where are we going for breakfast?" She asked as she changed out of her pajamas and into some sweats and a long-sleeved shirt.

"I don't know. I haven't decided. Anything you have in mind?" You asked as she put her shoes on.

"Not really. I guess we can think about it in the car."

You nodded and grabbed the keys before heading out the door with her excitedly following behind you.

She tossed out a few suggestions as you drove and, eventually, you agreed to one.

But you didn't go in the direction of the restaurant, confusing Taylor.

"Babe, isn't the other way?" She asked as she looked out the window.

You shrugged your shoulders wordlessly before pulling into the parking lot of the doctor's office a few minutes later.

"What are we doing here? Do you have an appointment?" She asked as you put the car in park.

"No. You do."

"What?" She asked as you pulled the keys out of the ignition.

"You're getting your blood work done today, Tay,"

"No, I'm not." She said. "I don't need it done."

"Yes, you do. You switched doctors since your old one moved offices and they want you to get this done. You've been pushing it off for far too long. You can't push it off any longer."

She lowered her head, wordlessly and nervously staring at her hands on her lap.

"Tay, baby, please know that I'm only making you go because I care about you."

"I know." She sighed. "Fine, let's just go and get this done and over with."

"Okay." You said and got out of the car with her.

You locked it and entered the doctor's office before going to the elevator and going downstairs to the lab area.

After signing in, you both took a seat in the waiting area.

Since it was so early, there wasn't anyone else there yet, so you were called back quite quickly.

"Taylor?" The nurse called as she opened the door.

"Come on, my love." You said as you stood up together. "Let's get this done."

She was nervous as she walked in front of you and when she sat down in the chair and caught a glimpse of the needle, she nearly passed out.

"Do you want to hold my hand?" You asked as you saw her shift uncomfortably in the chair.

Teary-eyed and anxious, she shook her head.

At first, it made you a little sad.

But you knew that it would only be a matter of time until she would hold your hand.

So you just rubbed her shoulder and waited for the nurse to come back in and after a few seconds, she did.

"How are you doing today?" The nurse asked Taylor as she got everything ready.

"Scared," Taylor confessed.

"She's scared of needles and blood." You told the nurse before you felt a tap on your arm. "Yeah, Tay? What is it?"

"Let me hold your hand?"

You sent her a small smile before grabbing her hand and kissing her forehead.

"Always, my love."

You hoped it would comfort her but with how terrified she was, a couple of tears fell down her cheeks.

"Oh, baby, it's alright." You said as you kissed her hand.

"Just look at your girlfriend, Taylor. Focus on her. This'll be over before you know it."

Taylor winced when the needle went into her skin but you didn't let her look as you had her stare into your eyes.

"Just look at me, baby. There they are - those soft, beautiful blue eyes. I can't ever get enough of them." You said and watched her smile quickly as she sniffled.

"All done!" The nurse said a moment later. "Not too bad, huh?" She asked, taping Taylor's arm up.

"I guess not," Taylor said as she stood up. "That was mean to trick me that way though. You owe me breakfast for real now." She told you.

"Okay, sweet girl. We'll go get some breakfast now, I promise." You said as you exited the room together.

Her hand was still in yours and the tears that had fallen had dried now, a smile on her face instead.

It wasn't fun but at least it was done with.

Now, you could take her out for breakfast for real, and you were just as excited about it as she was.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now