"I've been replaced" (requested)

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"Who's the cutest little kitty in the whole wide world? You are! Yes, you are. You're the cutest kitty in the whole wide world." You cooed over Benjamin, who just meowed and purred as you pet him and gave him kisses.

Taylor sat beside you on the sofa, staring at Meredith who was curled up on your lap, and Olivia, who was curled up by your side.

"This is so unfair. How come my cats love you so much? They love you more than they love me!" Taylor pouted.

"That's not true."

"Are you kidding? Meredith and Olivia are being affectionate with you. That rarely ever happens." Taylor spoke as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Okay, fine. So they love me." You smiled before cooing over Benjamin again. "Hi, cutie pie. You're so cute, aren't you?"

Taylor grabbed her phone and opened up her camera before she began to record the situation.

"Do you see this? Look at Meredith brushing up against her and Olivia patiently waiting for attention from Y/N. Look at Benjamin curled up on her chest, loving all of the attention that he's getting." She scoffed before putting the camera on herself. "I've been replaced."

"Don't be jealous, Tay," Yiu chuckled.

"I can't help it! These are my cats and they don't love me this much. They only love you this much. They love you more than me." She pouted.

You leaned over and gave her a quick kiss and even though the situation was just a playful one, Taylor didn't feel any better just from that kiss.


Because her cats were all paying attention to you still and not her.

And she couldn't help but feel a little jealous about that.

Suddenly, Meredith meowed and moved her paw against your lap, as if she was telling you to give her attention now.

Which you happily did.

Taylor captured every second of it, in complete disbelief that her cats were so loving and affectionate with you but not with her.

"See what I mean, everyone? They love Y/N. But me? Not so much."

You just giggled and gave all of them kisses before trying to pet them and give them all attention, as they deserved.


It was a few days later when Taylor was on Jimmy Fallon again.

She was there to talk about her newest re-recorded album and all the exciting things she has planned for it.

"That's all so exciting! I can't wait to see it all." Jimmy said. "Now that we have a minute before we go to commercials, there's one more thing I wanted to talk to you about."

"Okay, what's that?"

"That's your girlfriend there, right?" Jimmy asked as he looked at you. "Can you come up on stage? This has to do with you too."

You did as Jimmy asked and stepped on stage, sitting down in one of the free chairs beside Taylor.

"So there's a video that you posted on your Instagram the other day about your cats and Y/N."

"Oh, gosh," Taylor said as the audience cheered.

"Your cats really do love her more than they love you, don't they? I mean, look at this video."

He played the video really quickly, and all of you as well as the audience burst into giggles afterward.

"They're never that affectionate with you, Taylor?"

"No, never! I can't remember the last time they curled up to me like that. They usually just want to be left alone and do their own thing. But with Y/N, they don't like to leave her side. They curl up to her, kiss her, and always beg for her attention."

Jimmy burst into laughter, making you and Taylor do the same.

"I mean, for example, the other day we had just gotten home from the grocery store and we go inside and what do the cats do? Right away, they all rush over to Y/N. Not me. They couldn't care less about me. But Y/N, oh god they have to make sure she's okay and oh, she's finally home to give us attention. But from me? No thanks."

At this point, Jimmy was laughing so hard that he was almost in tears.

"Yeah, I'd say you're right about that then. They do love your girlfriend more than they love you."

"But they do love Taylor. She feeds them and gives them their water and all that."

"Yeah, and they still come looking for attention from you, only you."

Everyone laughed.

"I could leave for a year and as long as they have Y/N, I think they'd be perfectly fine."

Jimmy laughed hard once more.

"Well, I'd say you're right about your girlfriend being their favorite. I can't argue with the facts here."

"Thank you. She keeps insisting they love me just as much but I don't think so."

"I don't think so either, Taylor. I think it's just Y/N that they love at this point." Jimmy spoke, making the audience crack up. "Okay, when we get back, we'll talk more to Taylor Swift and her girlfriend!"

The cameras stopped rolling as they cut to commercials.

"I love you though." You told Taylor as you put your head on her shoulder.

"I love you too, darling." She said as she put her arm around you.

"And you're not mad at me for them loving me more, right?"

"No. It makes me happy to see you treat them so well and to see them so happy and adored. So no, not at all."

You shared a quick kiss before laying your head on her shoulder, happy to hear that.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now