mommy (requested)

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Sitting on Taylor's lap on the bed, her lips moved passionately against yours as her hands wandered across your body.

You had originally planned to come up to bed and watch a movie and cuddle until you fell asleep but when you came into the room and sat down beside your girlfriend in only one of her hoodies, she lost all control and those plans went away.

All she can do now is focus on you; on your lips, the kisses you're sharing, how soft your skin feels against her fingertips, and how close you are to her.

And that's all you can focus on too.

Feeling her fingers dance across your thighs and then beneath her hoodie that you were wearing sent a shiver down your spine, making you crave her touch.

The more you sat there, the more you got lost in each other.

You didn't even notice her moving you off of her lap to lay you down on the bed but you weren't complaining, either.

You held her close, wrapping your arms around her neck as she deepened the kiss.

You put your head back against the pillow as she pulled away from your lips, moving them to your jaw to pepper kisses on your skin.

She was making her way to that sensitive spot on your skin, right near your ear, and it made you feel weak as you were feeling sensitive enough because of the touch of her hand.

She wanted to pull off the hoodie that you had on, wanting to just take it off of you completely and toss it across the room so she could be even closer to you and caress even more of your skin.

You tangled your fingers in her long blonde locks as her sweet lips inched closer and closer to that sweet spot on your skin.

And when she reached it, the anticipation had driven you both wild and it made the brush of her lips there bring you even more bliss.

Unable to hold back, having lost all of your self-control, you melted over her kisses on your skin and something left your lips that Taylor never expected to hear from you.


Her eyes flew open and she sorta froze, causing her lips to linger on your skin for a second.

"What?" She asked as she pulled away.

You tried so hard to think of what to say to help you out of this situation because, at first, you thought she didn't like it.

"It just came out. I'm sorry, Tay."

She scoffed before brushing her thumb across your lower lip.

"I don't know what I'm more shocked by," She said as she bit her lip. "You apologizing for that or you calling me Tay,"

"I always call you that."

"No, no. Not right now, you don't. Right now, from this moment on, you only call me mommy."

Your breath hitched in your throat.

"You like it when I call you mommy?"

Her blue eyes slipped shut and her fingers shook slightly over how good it felt to hear that name leave your lips again.

"Oh, god, baby. Yes." She said and you brushed your tongue across your lip, making it even more difficult for her to breathe.

She went back to kissing that spot on your skin but she also made her way to your ear where she gently but the shell of it and let her breath fan against it.

That made you weak, causing you to put your head back and say her new name once more, bringing her an intense rush of desire.


"That's right." She smirked. "Call me mommy from now on and only mommy. It's so hot, baby. You better not hold it back."

That one second of weakness had unleashed a new side of you both and it was one you both loved about each other already.

"Mommy," You said as you pulled at her hair. "Kiss me."

She put her lips on yours, moving them passionately and deeply against your own.

"It's so sexy when you call me mommy." She said. "If you keep calling me that, I'll give you whatever you want tonight."

That made you raise your eyebrows and smirk at her in response.

"Yeah? Whatever I want? You swear?"

"Oh, yeah. Mommy swears." She whispered as a smile pulled at her lips, only to take you by surprise by tugging at your lip with her teeth.

"Okay, mommy." You said as you continued to run your fingers through her hair. "Whatever you want, mommy."

"That's a good girl." She said and continued to kiss you as her new name fell from your lips repeatedly.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now